Well here's hoping you all had a fun filled and happy Easter. If you feel anything like me you are probably shattered, we had a glorious holiday by the beach and boy did I find some beauties. I also received a couple of my Giveaways I won and pretties so I thought you would like to see them.
So a post full of pretties, my kind of post ;)
We hadn't been on holiday long when I received my lovely Easter Swap from ggmum over at the SC Cafe.

What a gorgeous swap, a beautiful and special brushed cotton handmade patchwork tote bag with pretty corsage brooch, a beautiful Portmeirion mug, cute ceramic bunny and inside were chocolates galore, a very posh soap Ohooo la la, a wonderful handmade card and the most gorgeous hand towel in the world, so pretty.

Thank you so much A, I love everything, and was so nice to receive on holiday, the tote bag came in very handy indeed.
If you would like to see my Easter swap I sent to my partner have a look at a lovely blog
Here Being Easter I love doing my best to find pretty vintage eggs for my children, alas no luck this year and thought I would never find any. Before Easter was upon us look what came through my door from the wonderful
Sew Hot Mitmot a wonderful Easter surprise parcel for me, it was all beautifully wrapped, though I couldn't on this occasion wait to unwrap everything.
What beauties, a gorgeous handmade card and a pretty one with Daisies on, some very special Daisy fabric, a very precious china egg and yes inside were the most delicious chocolates, two of beautifulest Vintage Easter eggs I have ever seen, for the children, these are certainly going to be family heirlooms, again bursting with chocolates inside, some wonderful vintage children's books, there were more though they are in the depths of Miss. Poppins' bedroom and a very, very special gift from Mitmots Mum, a beautiful floral china brooch that she thought I would like. It is beautiful and is very special to me.

Thank you Mitmot, you are a lovely friend, and a very beautiful one at that ;)
A New Year giveaway I had won from the delightful
April came my way and it is so pretty, April must know me very well as her delights were so me. A delightful and beautifully handmade cross stitch of a pretty mannequin, a wonderful ladybird book, some yummy chocolate, notice how all the chocolate does not appear in any of my photographs ;) a lovely handmade personalised card, and a gorgeous enamel hanging heart.

Thank you April, means so much especially with your poorly hand I think it was. I love them and are very special to me.
I had also been lucky to win
Beki's Giveaway and having a lovely friendship with Beki, I knew any little gift she choose to send to me would be sent with love and kindness and I truly was touched by her thoughtful gifts.
One of Beki's precious handmade button hearts, a beautifully handmade CK bookmark, a lovely scented pillow, a yummy vintage postcard, a pretty enamel hanging heart, some beautiful and sparkly stickers, and the most pretty Gisela Graham butterfly, that is now by my bed.

Beki knows how much her pretties mean to me, thank you so much Beki. I have been so delighted to win my giveaways and thank you to all my friends for putting so much time and effort in sending them to me :)
Well it would be rude not to go to a Car Boot in this lovely weather now wouldn't it. I have been thinking that I may like to sell some of my pretty finds, it shall be hard as we love our pretties don't we, though I really do have quite some now, could do with some extra cash and feel I would like to give them to loving homes.
So here are my Car Boot Bargains, I am being a little more selective now in what I buy which I think suits me well. Please feel free to click and enlarge to see better.
A divine vintage bevelled and oak framed Wall mirror, it stands 4 feet tall and would look wonderful in someones vintage bedroom, couldn't believe it hadn't been snapped up.

When I see a little vintagy box like this, I know something pretty may be in it.

And what a treat I had.

What was this I found in the corner,

A pretty earring, though she didn't have her companion. Mr.Poppins made the suggestion that we go back to the seller, as the car boot was only a few minutes drive from where we were, and ask if the missing earring may be there, and when I turned up and felt somewhat daft asking about it, the kindly lady gave me a big smile and took out the lonesome earring from her pocket, she had found it earlier, not knowing there was one also in the box and didn't think anyone would want one earring. So now my earrings were re united I offered more money, as I had paid for a necklace only. The kind lady refused, though I insisted as I was so happy and gave her more.I think I have a real gem there. My mum seems to think it is very old, possibly not valuable but very, very pretty all the same. Any advice on age would be really helpful.I am afraid my photography hasn't really captured its real beauty, but it really is the prettiest and sparkliest necklace I have ever seen.

And here's the back too.

Well could I be lucky and find a pretty in this plain looking vintage box too.

I almost squealed with delight.

A beautiful baby's or young child's hairbrush and comb. It really is so sweet, in excellent condition, wonderful cross stitch work on the brush and the metalwork is very intricate, there is even a little indentation where you you can place your thumb comfortably whilst brushing the hair. It says Handmade in England on the brush.

Could I have an original Vivienne Westwood bag here.

One of my favourite Car Boot purchases is this beautiful 8 day clock, with its own dome. It works, and is so,so pretty to look at. I love it that I can see the movement, of course it is the pretty flowers on it that delight me and would love to know more about it.

And the little key at the back to wind it up.

So some lovely Car beautiful's and now for some CS ones.
Lovely Ikea lampshade to go with the cushion I have.

Some wonderful jigsaws, you can even make out the Woolworth's sticker 2/9.

I loved The Darling Buds Of May.

Lovely foreign doll for Big Sister.

Vintage beads.

A very important sign for our bedroom :)

Some beautiful and colourful plastic glasses, and never been used.

And a pretty took my eye in the cabinet and I had to have it a Lucky Horseshoe brooch, reminded me of one of my favorite programmes too, a certain Carrie Bradshaw starred and she had a Lucky Horseshoe necklace I really took a fancy to.

So methinks I have a many-a-pretty to keep me going for a while here at Home Sweet Home, though you know me I shall most probably be out there looking for more as I really sometimes cannot resist a pretty pretty ;)
And I couldn't resist the kind offer from my lovely In Laws for some beautiful door knobs they no longer had use for, aren't they sweet and shall be perfect for home Sweet Home, need some doors now ;)

Now aren't these the prettiest dishcloths in the world, I cannot imagine me ever using them, they were delightfully handmade by
Raspberry Grace and she has some really pretty beauties in her
Shop please have a little look.

So I am off to do something pretty ;)
Like prettying up Miss. Poppins' Attic Bedroom. The CK Paris Rose wallpaper is now up, needs some tidying up and new carpet. The pretty wicker stool was a lovely skip find, the friendly householders said I could dive in and take what I wanted, I took two lovelies, the stool and a pretty wicker bookcasey thingy, recyclying at its best, and hopefullly gives you an idea of what her bedroom looks like up to now.

I love the little ribbons on her curtain pole :)