Sometimes you can actually have a good experience when you were thinking it may be quite the opposite. Normally when I visit Mr. Ikea with the family I would say divorce gets mentioned at least 50 times, the children make a run for the children's department with me lagging behind them, people get tired and people get hungry, namely me on the hungry one ;)
So when we visited a couple of weeks ago I was expecting some raised voices and moaning husbands and yet had a lovely, lovely calm, peacful, happy experience. Everything fitted into the car, even me, after all my Diam bars.
We met a couple of friends, had a little chat, and then walked round very calmly with my list in hand ready for the shouting to begin. Well, a couple of pretties took my eye on the way round. I wonder if any of you lovely bloggers have the same pretties I liked in your homes.
Master. Poppins loved the groovy highchair.

And the sweet Ladybird

I loved
Ms. Jennylund

Ms. Klippan

Mr. Poppins quite liked the Paul Smithesque chair.

I wish I could pick this kitchen up and bring it home with me. We have the chairs at home, though are yet to take them out of their cardboard homes. So is nice to see them looking pretty, only wish it was in my kitchen too.

Very pretty

I do love the little children set ups they have.

I fell in love at Ikea

With a beautiful Alvine Rug that is, has gone on my christmas wish list. I wonder how Santa shall hide that one from me ;)
So what did I come home with. Well I bought some threads, I have heard the Ikea ones are quite good. A lovely funky throw from the bargain corner for £4.00, some pretty spotty napkins.
Lovely christmas paper bags

A little Billy bookcase for my crafty little things, some crafting essentials and not a tea lignt in sight ;)
I have worked out what helped make for a pleasant little Ikea outing, THE LIST. I don't normally have a list, and that is when I come home with things I didn't really need but thought I needed. With my list you see, I knew what I wanted and didn't buy anything that was not on the list. So Mr.Poppins was happy and happily so was I.
Though there were two little things that were on my list that they didn't have so I shall have to go back, please remind me to take a list :)