Hello, I hope you are all enjoying the many jubilee festivities that have been taking place this bank holiday weekend. Like many places in the country we were awash with rain on Sunday and so the jubilee dresses that the husband had bought for myself and Miss Poppins to wear duly stayed on their little hangers. I just love the cheeriness of Miss. Poppins' little number....

Weekends can sometimes be spent doing a little thrifty shopping by myself, though I have been a very good girl and shopping hasn't really interested me too much this Jubilee weekend. I really didn't want to miss a second of the Queen and all the celebrations on the television. Of course I had to make a little purchase or two and I wanted an anniversary tin of biscuits from good old M&S to keep as a memento. As I heard they were selling out quickly I hot footed it over to see if there were any left as I really wanted the London inspired tin. When I saw there were a couple left on the shelf in the basket the tin went, though as I made my way to pay I noticed this pretty Jubilee tin of shortbread too, I just couldn't resist it so in the basket it went too....

I haven't gone to town in terms of buying jubilee inspired goods as much as I thought I would at all, though there have been a couple of items I had really wanted to get my hands on. One of which was the Jubilee fairy liquid and as soon as I knew they were bringing it out I searched and searched in vain to get some as I just love the original styled bottles and how they remind me of those sweet fairy liquid adverts. I had almost given up when I spied these in Sainsbury's last week....
Oh Joy. And then the husband presented me with one of these last night whilst we had a family barbecue in the garden....
When it was time to settle indoors I doned my very comfy UJ slippers....
It was indeed a glorious day in sunny Wales yesterday, and such a difference to the previous rainy and windy day. The sky was a lovely clear blue in Conwy....

I also made a little appearance this Jubilee weekend on the television. It was a repeat of Bargain Hunt's 10th anniversary edition who thanks to
Lindy I found out it was on yesterday. It seems myself and my love of those candelabras made valuable entertainment and in the words of our expert Paul Laidlaw, was 'Bargain Hunt Gold'. If you are bored and would like a giggle, you can see what the fuss is about
here around 1 minute 15 seconds, and 23 minutes and 20 seconds in. I thought the candelabras were very pretty and am so happy I purchased them back off the lovely gentleman who bid his five pounds for the pair. It was a private deal sealed by myself away from the cameras, and in no way influenced by the Bargain Hunt producers. With me giving him ten pounds he was more than happy to have doubled his money and for myself and
Mary to have our splendid Bargain Hunt memento's. Here is mine looking rather dashing....
And Mary's taking pride of place in her wonderful home....
Maybe I had it all wrong and they are the ugliest things in all the world. I happen to think even if our expert thought them rather 'tacky' my heart ruled my head when I followed my nose and found them. Maybe it was just meant to be, and the fact they only sold for a tiny £5 meant I could buy them back and I think lovely that we both have them as a memory of the special and fun day we had. I bet these infamous candlebras may be worth more than a fiver now, though of course in my eyes are pricless.
The beautiful and sunny weather yesterday meant Miss Poppins and I could indeed wear our Jubilee dresses, it was such a beautiful day to wear them and we had a lovely family day, which included chips by the sea front, ice-cream and chocolate....
So, I hope you have all had a joyous Jubilee, and I for one can't wait to dig into that pretty biscuit tin....