Well my photograph may look like a load of olde pipes to you, though to me, has been a long time coming. The sink is in!
Not only is it in, we have running water too. I hope you are all jumping up with glee and excitement along with me, yes I know tis only a sink but really is a great achievement in this house to finally get it in. ( and working )
And here she is in all her glory.
Now of course I have a dilemma in that I do not A, have a dishwasher, or B, a draining board, so was wondering what to do, you can get these thingies to pop over one of the sinks to drain ones pots and pans on, but don't know whether that would look pretty. We all know I like pretty. Of course I could wash, dry and keep all at once, but somehow don't think that shall be happening ;)
Though I do like the little chopping board rack, now that is kinda cute.
And here is the special little place where some of you shall be residing, all ready and a waiting for your little curtain. As you have been so generous with you offerings, I think I shall have plenty to make a little patchwork pelmet for the kitchen window too, which would be lovely actually, as would bring the patchwork look all together. I have begun cutting some squares and have decided on 8 inch ones for the washing machine curtain and 6 inch ones for the pelmet. I have really enjoyed playing with the squares and seeing what squares look nice together.
Thank you for some more lovely squares that have been fluttering through onto my doormat.
Thank you so much to Mel Mel for her adorable Green gate, so yummylicious. And the handmade coaster and bookmark are Ohooo so cute.

How thrilled I was to receive The Balancing Kiwi's very special fabric, a beautiful patchwork effect with hints of music and hearts, delightful.

I would indeed wear a dress made up in the gorgeous CK print that Tiny White Daisies sent me, so cute. And look at the beautiful brooch she made too, utterly pretty, and my favorite colours.

Of course I knew I would always love what my lovely friend Little Gem would send, and Tanya Whelan is a favorite of mine.

So thank you, I have been overwhelmed. It's times like this when I would value a P.A. to help me ;o) Like I have said, the fabric is so special, though too, are your lovely letters, cards, and words of encouragement. I have found them all a perfect little home displayed in my cream wire heart, and your cards, notes etc shall be a coming into my new and improved family kitchen. I have saved a space for them.
I love the fact they are displayed in a heart too, so very special.
Isn't it lovely when you get little treats, here is a little treat that came my way from my dear mum. Mmmmmm I think she sneakily reads my Blog, as her little treats are always, right down my pretty street.
If you are saying your prayers tonight, would really love an extra one for my lovely Mother In Law who is yet to come out of hospital after her fall. I know my lovely husband, his family and myself all wish her a speedy recovery.
I shall leave you with a little saying I like....
Nor need we power or splendor, wide hall or lordly dome;
The good, the true, the tender -- these form the wealth of home.