Wednesday 7 October 2009

Pretty Swap And Shop News....

I want to show you a wonderful SC Cafe swap I received from the lovely Kirsty at Vintage and Cosy. The theme was Flutterby's anything fluttery and with wings. I adore butterflies so was a swap I thoroughly enjoyed participating in.

Beautifully packaged pretties, I adore the Sarah Smith butterfly cloths.

Ohooo lucky Mary Poppins.

A cute and beautifully handmade crocheted hanger with CK handmade beautiful bird, a gorgeous smelling Rose honey and Beeswax soap, wonderfully handmade from scummylicious butterfly and ladybird fabric drawstring bag, and of course the beautiful Sarah Smith cloths.

A gorgeous butterfly notebook and butterfly pen, Marigold french Marietta seeds, they attract butterflies and bees, a wonderful handmade bookmark, a beautiful children's book and pretty hand baked butterfly, owl and ladybird to make pretty necklaces. They are so cute, may be meant for Miss. Poppins, but what she doesn't know ;)

I mean a seven year old wouldn't want to play with these cute little pretties would they :)

Thank you so much Kirsty for a wonderfully thoughtful and inspirational swap, I love it all and it all shall be treasured.

Some of you have been asking a little about my shop makes, and how it is all going. Well after many false starts down to my confidence levels not being brilliant, I plucked up the courage and dropped some of my pretties off at the shop. I mean was a little daft really to be so insecure as I had taken my pretties in before to show the owners, they liked, and said they would be delighted to sell my pretties from their gorgeous store. So I took some cushions, Christmas lavender pillows, lavender hearts and embroidered linen pretties and seemingly shall be in the shop for sale.

Undecided yet if the shop thing is for me, I like to do the selling ;) I really enjoyed the Summer craft fair and eagerly await the Christmas one. Find talking about money a little uneasy, actually a lovely lady who works there came in and said many of the crafters who make for them go a little sweaty when prices are mentioned ;) I think we are happy with our arrangement and after much discussion prices were agreed.

Would you like to see where my pretties are, nestled in amongst the gorgeousness of the prettiest shop. Would you, yes, you have all been so encouraging of my makes, you at least deserve to see where they are being sold.

The children's showroom, where a couple of my patchwork pretties shall be for sale.

Ohooo my goodness could one of my cushions really be for sale sitting prettily on a beautiful shabby chic bench worth hundreds of pounds.

I think my little lavender pillows would look cute next to the pretty vintage ones.

My favorite Lavender pillow on Miss. Poppins' pretty bed.

And look where she is now, in amongst the posh stuff :)

Happy Making :)



  1. What a lovely idea for a swap and you got so many pretty things.

    How proud you must be of your handmade goodies being sold in such a fabulous shop

    Victoria x

  2. Oh my, what a lovely shop!
    Very fitting for such pretties to be sold ;). I'm sure you're going to be kept very busy making lots more pretties to sell.
    Lovely swap package :)
    Beki xxx

  3. Hello!

    I SO love the shop!!!

    Your stuff will be the posg stuff too!
    Cos its fab!xxxx

  4. Hi there, Im new here and just had to visit the namesake of one of my favourite bloggers blue bird notes as this is what I call her, she had the vital cheery disposition in ladel fulls!Was delighted to discover the pinkness, sweetness and inventivenes of your blog! If you love vintage you might enjoy a ride through the night sky, via your umbrella? To my blog,My Passport to Style.Oh and I simply had to follow you, apologise for the whippy head picture, having a problem with enabling my picture at the moment! Sharon xx

  5. Well done you! I can your pretties selling really well in that beautiful shop!

    You must be really proud…love Lou xxx

  6. I hadn't noticed but does look lovely on Miss Poppins unit as does your beautiful lavender pillow propped on top.
    You may laugh at my misfortune ;) Mary, I would too.......... if it were someone else 'hehe' xxx

  7. yay well done you and hopefully you have boosted your confidence and will go on to make many many more beautiful special things as thats what they are :-)

    love your swap goodies as well !
    Lesley x

  8. What lovely swap gifts! That was a really nice theme for a swap, and your swap partner chose ever so well.

    I hope you get many more orders for your lovely pretties, they are adorable.

  9. wow what a wonderfull shop You should be very proud of having your wonderfull make's in there I'm sure they'll sell in no time at all Then you'll look back and wonder what all the worrying was about lol.

    Can I be nosy and ask where you got that lovely fabric with the eifel tower on it.


  10. That's wonderful so satisfying to know that you work is being sold in such a beautiful where it is clear the standards are high! Well done, really pleased for you.
    Isabelle x

  11. Made or bought stockings will be fine although I think who ever is lucky enough to be partnered with you Mary would surely love one of your beautiful hand made ones.
    I think (if you can find the time) i'd like to commission you to make some for my children. We like to use the same ones each year and Jess has outgrown hers now and we couldn't find one we liked for the little man last year.
    Here's a thought, perhaps you could make some up for your blog shop!
    Beki xxx

  12. Your beautiful pretties will look right at home in that very very posh should be very very proud xxxx

  13. Love the cushion ! What a great idea though - and I just adore your blog but have only just found a second to let you know !

  14. Fantastic Mary - it certainly looks a lovely shop, and your makes fit so well. I'm so pleased for you.
    Thanks for your message re the fabric. It did look so pretty, so it's good to know it matches the pic. xxx

  15. Love the look of the shop! What a lovely addition to the swap items to include the seeds, how sweet! Suzie. xx

  16. The swap is so lovely and the shop looks like heaven. I do love the Parisian pillow! xx

  17. OOOOh lovely shop and lovely pretties you put in it! I like you am so awful discussing money with selling stuff. My sister-in-law and I made a pact to be each others agents (she is an artist). it's so much easier to talk about money for other peoples work and less embarrassing! Sometimes if you are not so confident, you under sell yourself when your makes are worthy of far more! x

  18. well done you lovely.u should be very proud of yourself..v talented!!
    that shop is gorgeous.. ive been looking at the pics for ideas for my own house!!

  19. Oooh, lots of lovely pretty things in this post! Your handmade pretties look great and the shop looks lovely! Well done!
    Also, where is the wallpaper in your 'logo' on the top of your page from? Its gorgeous!
    Laura x

  20. Lovely swap goodies, and your makes are gorgeous, I think we all under sell our stuff, I keep meaning to do a craft fair but don't seem to find out where they are.
    Have a great day

  21. Your work fits beautifully in that amazing shop. Selling to retailers can feel a bit weird, so especially well done! xx

  22. wow you must feel so proud seeing something that you made in a shop like that..
    and what pretty treasures



  24. Meant to say, I will post a pic of the goodies I've done for the shop soon - it's on the camera, just got to download it. xxx
    Ps. Just ordered some of that yummy fabric you told me about... can't wait to get my hands on it.

  25. What a lovely and pretty post! You are a inpiration for us. Best wishes!

  26. Hullo there! I lost your blog! argg but just found my back again hurrah!
    I am not surprised at all your things have been chosen to sell in a sweet shop,the bags you made the smalls were simply incredible,so neat & just quite quite perfect in everyway,hey that could be your label tag! You are Mary P after all!!
    Quite Quite Perfect In Every Way
    GTM x x x x

  27. Love the swap, and love that shop!!! A fitting place for your lovelies!! It must be fantastic to see them there, and you must be soooooo proud!!
    Well done MaryP : )

    Sharon xx


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