So the holidays are upon us and I have two children to entertain, keep motivated, relax with, play with, and have fun with so I am afraid blogging is not high up there on my priorities at the moment. I do love visiting though and seeing what you are all up to.
Prepared as ever I was up past midnight making fabric hearts on the Thursday for Miss. Poppins to take in for her teachers the following day. Her and a couple of pals were moved into the above class for the last six weeks of term hence me having to make four, two for her previous teachers and two for her new ones. Miss. Poppins choose the fabric that she thought the individual teacher would like which actually was a great help as I can take hours to chose fabric for my makes.

I also handed in a couple of my orders to some delighted mummy's. They were really pleased with what I had made and it is so nice for Miss. Poppins to see her own mummy's handiwork in her friends' bedrooms when she goes for play dates.

One of the jobs I wanted to do over the summer holiday was to go to a lavender farm and pick my very own lavender. I like to be able to see, touch, smell and sometimes even taste the lavender I use in my makes, so we decided to head off on Sunday and visit one.
So maybe it wasn't so much of a farm and the lavender was very wild and free but I was told to help myself and there no charge.

There was also a charming shabby chic shop, well not so much a shop more a more a beautiful room, in a barn, in a farm, next to a pretty teashop, in a field of lavender, surrounded by beautiful cows :)
When I had picked the Lavender I wanted amongst the bees, I decided to have a little browse. I walked into the most delightful little place selling handmade shabby chicy lovelies and beautifully made over furniture for a very reasonable price. The lady who makes everything was really friendly. We had a nice chat about all things shabby chic and she said she felt happier to sell her wares at a reasonable price, than keep holding onto stock that is over priced etc.

The basket on top of the dresser took my eye.


I loved the cushion,I think was £12.00 feather filled and a bargain.

Of course I couldn't help but buy a couple of pretties.
The most gorgeous 40 x 40 cms cushion with a duck feather filled inner cushion, a bargainastic £8.00, I adore the floral fabric and the back is in a pink gingham.

A gorgeous CK strawberry patchwork 30 x 30 cms cushion again with a duck feather filled inner cushion. The back was pretty LA pink spot.

A wonderful, and had to have lined laundry bag, 45cms x 40cms too nice for my laundry. It is beautifully made and what a price, £4.00. A really gorgeous fabric. The background is more yellowy than creamy as it looks in the photograph.

Vintage tablecloth lavender filled pillows.

Master Poppins' favourite lullaby is Twinkle Twinkle, and I thought this pretty little hanging sign would look so sweet on the back of his bedroom door, when he gets one. A door not a bedroom that is :~)

So all in all a very inspirational day out.
Talking of inspiration, I recieved two very lovely and inspirational parcels from
SEW HOT MITMOTMitmot had asked me a little while ago to help her trial out a couple of her handmade pretties for the children's market. Of course , how could I refuse. Though she is very norty sending me all these lovelies too.

How wonderful are these for Miss. and Master Poppins, they had great fun wearing them
for Mimots marketing photographs.

There were a couple of lovely surprise pretties for me to trial too, the prettiest wrist cuff and a gorgeous vintage fabric cupcake brooch.

Thank you so much Mitmot you are very kind and generous and I shall so enjoy wearing your pretties with pride.
I also got my lovely Spots and Stripes swap from Lace Hearts, I adored everything and was a beautiful, generous, special and thoughtful swap.

Thank you so much Lacey, a wonderful swap and I am so looking forward to putting your lovelies to good use.
So I am now thinking of some lovely crafting, playing, making, doing, baking ideas for my two for the holidays and am having much inspiration from my friends at the SC Cafe who have some wonderful suggestions for keeping everyone busy and happy :)
Hope you are having a nice week :)
Take care