Friday 27 November 2015

Christmas At Poundland!

I have to admit I cannot walk past a Poundland shop without having a little wander in, just to see what bargains there may be in store. I always, always find something and yes all those pounds do add up, but I do find some really pretty treats. Well Poundland kind of cottoned on to this and asked if I would like to be one of their Ambassadors ? 

"Oh yes I would" said I. 

As an Ambassador I get to try out a selection of items from their seasonal ranges, and basically check quality, functionality etc. As we are nearing Christmas they asked me to check out their Christmas range - I already had my eyes on their 'Enchanted' theme so knew I would love to decorate using some items from there as it's so pretty. I was gifted a £30 code to purchase the products online and which was great for me, all cosy and warm at home. The items arrived a few days later and here is how I got my home into the Christmas mood using some Poundland pretties..

First up is this amazing Sabichi 12 piece dinner set at only £8 though has an rrp of £21. I wanted to create a very snowy, winter white atmosphere in the dining area, with a little hint of pink and this set is just perfect. It is great quality and I love that it creates a blank backdrop for all the accessories. 

Next some silver charger plates. These have a really lovely glittery effect and I got four as we are planning just to have us here for Christmas lunch, and then we'll venture out to visit family. 

Now some pretty baubles to decorate the table - I always like to find alternative uses for things and these baubles are great value for money so I got four packs.

And some little heart shaped ones, again for the table.

Who can resist a little sweet treat after lunch, and oh my I just love these vintage Flying Saucers. I think they look very expensive in their pretty Christmas themed packaging and for only a pound a pack, well I had to get two packs didn't I.

And sticking with my white/silver theme, some white chocolate coins.

I am really getting into the Christmas spirit and love listening to Christmas songs at home, I can't wait to play this. So many songs for just £1.

Some silvery tinsel for the shelf.

I love the paper snowflakes Poundland do and had some left over from last year, I thought they would fit nicely into my theme. I also grabbed a couple of packs from in store. 

I had to have the tinsel tree too, such a real bargain for £1. 

And with my love of pink, I'm sure these pretties shall come in very useful on Christmas Day. I think the range of makeup/beauty products from Poundland is great, in fact one of my most favourite lipsticks is from there. 

So, with the items selected, this is how I have incorporated some Poundland pretties into my Christmas décor.

The heart shaped baubles look really cute tucked into the garland for the table, especially with some 'Merry Christmas' lights draped along there too.

I think the baubles make a lovely centre piece piled high in the big glass vase. 

And the tinsel tree taking pride of place on the tall chest of drawers I painted and distressed.

So, I hope you'll agree, you really don't have to spend a small fortune at Christmas to decorate your home, I am always thankful Poundland offer up some wonderful seasonal items and Christmas is no exception. I shall be back popping in there soon, and I'm sure I'll find something pretty to bring back with me. 


Disclosure: I received a gift card to purchase seasonal items from Poundland for the purposes of this blog post. All words and opinions are my own. 

Monday 23 November 2015

Flamingo Gifts

As it is fast approaching that time of year again, I like to start think about gift giving. One online store I just love and that offer some really pretty and unique gift ideas is Flamingo Gifts After collaborating with Flamingo gifts before and being so impressed, I went on to purchase items from there and I have to say they have now become one of my favourite go to websites when it comes to shopping for pretties.

Their items are so up my street, and I have been sent three items to review in time for Christmas. One of my favourite brands is Wu & Wu and I adore this deer cushion it is SO cute! The quality is excellent and a real show stopper. The bright colours really jump out at you and it's kitsch design gives it a wonderful sentimental feel.

I am very tempted to purchase the jewellery box as a gift for someone I know, they would just love it.

Another brand that brings a smile to my face is the very girly Disaster Designs and this 'Songbird' Mini Satchel is a real beauty. 

It's such a useful little bag with a long adjustable strap, buckle clasp, zipped closure and a little key zip pull. 

The back is just as pretty.

It comes with a little postcard label, how pretty.

And of course being from Disaster Designs 'Songbird' range the lining of the bag features a wonderful musical score theme. 

Now one could think opening up a tin of plasters on Christmas day may not quite be a highlight, but when they are these beautiful and pretty Ouch! Daisy plasters I think even I would hope for a little scraped knee ;) They are possibly the prettiest plasters I have ever seen. 

As well as a lovely Daisy and Sunflower design, there is an 'Oops A Daisy' and pink stripe design, just lovely. So some really great present ideas at Flamingo Gifts. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up with a creamy hot chocolate and having a good browse, I doubt very much I'll come away without some pretty gifts ending up in my cyber basket :)

Disclosure: I was sent three items for review for the purposes of this blog post. All words and opinions are my own. 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Mary Poppins Round-up

Hello, today I thought I'd do a little round up of what Mary Poppins is up to these days...

When I first started this blog (back in the dark ages) it's main purpose was to log snippets of my family life, a bit of crafting, many makeovers, shopping for pretties etc, and has very much evolved into a kind of lifestyle type blog, a mixed bag and a bit of everything type blog. I'm quite happy to slot into this type and although sometimes I stumble along wondering where this blog is going, in reality it doesn't really have to go anywhere. I like to dip in and out and I am very humbled that anyone else would like a peak into my world too. So, what have we been up to? 

Well, I am now the mum of a 14 year old, how on earth did that happen. Miss Poppins is growing up to be a typical teenager (almost permanently attached to her phone) though very mature for her years. If she ever reads this, I want her to know you make me very proud. And Mummy, yes I am still your Mummy, loves you very much :)

Master Poppins turned 9 in August, and definitely keeps me on my toes. He is very much enjoying his sports and as many boys do, loves football and plays for a local team each weekend. He was barely a toddler when I first started this blog and it has been wonderful, especially after his very premature birth and Pulmonary Stenosis which was treated as a baby, to see him grow up so well and healthy. I can't believe we shall soon be thinking of secondary schools, if I had my way he'd be in primary school forever.

I can nag at them when things don't get done, but it's good to take a step back and appreciate what you have, they shall always be my little bundles of joy.

I too have turned a year older and was greeted with this lovely image when I opened my front door on my birthday.

I fell in love straight away when I unwrapped the beautiful floral's from Aldi I hasten to add and was somewhat of a best seller. I love it and doesn't it go well with my Cath Kidston wallpapered chest of drawers.

I always advocate following ones dreams, and having made many a lavender heart with those very words on. I thought it was high time I followed my own advice and followed mine. So, with my love of acting I am now back on the creative path of going to classes again, networking and well, just following my acting dream!

Of course I am still loving the sewing and makeovers. 

Lavender hearts shall always be one of my favourite things to make.

And my most recent little furniture makeover...

A tall chest of drawers that I purchased off a friend and knew I could do a little Mary Poppins makeover on. The storage is so useful and after a little Annie Sloan paint and distress now fits in perfectly with my décor.

I replaced the handles for some crystal knobs from Home Bargains, I think they add some lovely sparkle.

And as for any pretty shopping, well yes one or two little treats made their way home with me.

I adored this pink flamingo necklace...

And although you can't really see it all, the dog loves to cuddle up with me wearing my new furry hot pink cardigan.

Whilst in the body shop browsing their new seasonal ranges I was kindly offered some samples for myself and Miss. Poppins. I'm never normally afraid to ask for a couple of samples in store, so to be offered some was really sweet. The staff were ever so friendly and haven't they been packaged up beautifully.

That's my Christmas wrapping sorted thanks to M&S, so cute...

I'm afraid I am also one of those who like to bring in the Christmas cheer a little early. I couldn't resist these Santa Babies. Yum yum..

So, a little round up for you, shall catch up again very soon :)


Thursday 22 October 2015

Homebase Dining Room Makeover - Update

Hello lovelies.

Today I thought I'd do a little catch up post with how my dining room makeover I did in collaboration with the Homebase #myway challenge is bearing up with family life. I posted the makeover here if you would like to have a little read. Often when I watch home makeover programmes on the television I wonder if the rooms stay the same when it comes to every day life. Well I can truly say our dining room is pretty much as I left it nearly 7 months ago. In fact the only area that has needed a little touch up is the floor, which after lots of feet passing through it, did get a bit grubby in places. A quick roll over with the floor paint and its looking back to its original sparkly white.

Occasionally we have the need for an extra couple of spaces at the dining table for guests, and I also remember I am a great hoarder of chairs and am still very much in love with our vintage chapel chairs. The chapel chairs are dotted around the house in various places, one I even painted up shabby chic style for the hallway.

I have left the other chairs in their original dark wood and draft two of them to the dining table when required. The dark wood does make a nice contrast against all the white/pink in there and creates some lovely warmth.

One celebration that is coming up and will indeed require many of those chapel chairs adding to the dining room table is the 14th birthday of Miss. Poppins - (where has the time gone I keep asking). She's hoping for a couple of friends to pop by for a sleepover and so no doubt will be wanting an array of healthy and the urmmm not so healthy teen food to tempt them at the table. Whilst on a recent visit to Homebase I grabbed a handful of pretty things that I thought would be nice for the dining room and a little celebration.

I have to say Miss.Poppins is very good at not peeking before the big day, I don't think I could resist!

I decided to move around a couple of the original Homebase items with some new ones for a little refresh, I have to say I just fell in love with this wire bird.

Actually I may go back for another one as I think they look really cute as a pair too.

I really liked these adorable tealight holders and very vintage looking I thought.

The silver stones create a little ambience to the room I think. Of course, I think there still has to be a little pink in any celebratory décor.

This lovely jingle bell heart would be a perfect decoration for Christmas too, I love it.

One item I found in Homebase and had to have was this photograph frame montage, I used some much loved wallpaper and wrapping papers for each frame (again with my much loved pink colour theme) and created a little display for on top of the dresser.

So, as you can see not too much has changed but with a handful of new key pieces it keeps the room fresh and updated. Yes, still lots of my coveted pink, but I think there shall always be a hint of pink in all the rooms of this house.

In fact, I'm really looking forward to creating a pink and white themed winter wonderland in there in time for Christmas!


Disclosure: Blog post created in collaboration with Homebase, all words and opinions my own.