Wednesday 2 September 2009

She's Back....

Thank you so much dear friends for your lovely encouraging words. It amazes me the power of writing ones thoughts down, or typing should I say. How better it makes me feel :)

I do think the shop thing was getting to me a little, though the owners are being very good to me and letting me bring my pretties in as and when, as they know I have a young family.

My Crafting Mojo sneaked upon me, gave me a big squeeze and we became friends, for now.

Here is what she helped me create. We decided to get on with the patchwork quilt. Now I understand why a rotary wheel cutter thingy would have been a wise purchase. I did my best not to get bored cutting out all the squares, had a little play and here are 130 squares looking pretty.

Why does getting the random look on patchwork take me hours ;)

Right, better get on with sewing the strips, before she sneaks off whilst I am not looking ;)

Happy Making



  1. The quilt is going to look lovely. Arranging the squares always seems to take the longest time though doesn't it? I've sent you a PM via SCC ;-)

  2. Ahh yes the elusive crafting Mojo. She comes she goes she basically can do her own thing. Whilst you stand there wondering where on earth she went. Glad to see she is back for you.

    Loving the patchwork, such pretty colours. I suppose getting the random look in patchwork is a bit like getting the natural look in make-up! they both can take ages to acheive! lol.

    Happy days crafting to you.


  3. So glad to hear the mojo has returned! Now if we can just find mine!

    Your patchwork is starting to look pretty fabulous

    Victoria xx

  4. tis lovely mrs p glad mrs mojo came home after her holiday ;-)

  5. Oh looks stunning MaryP xxxx didn't happen to find my mojo a hiding with yours did you....send it along if it shows up!!!

  6. Hi, just found your blog through Victoria's. Your quilt is looking really lovely, hope your mojo doesn't leave you for a very long time. :)
    Take care. x

  7. that quilt is going to be AMAZING!

    Good luck with the sewing :-)

    Rose XXX

  8. Love that quilt - it looks really pretty - and all that time spent was definitely worth it!

    Pomona x

  9. Beautiful looking patchwork. I love the design and colours.
    It is hard fitting everything in isn't especially with a young family. I have one daughter and I find my spare time limited.
    Isabelle x

  10. That quilt is really lovely Mary - one of the nicest i've seen xxx

  11. looks lovely, I'm so pleased your mojo has returned.
    twiggy x

  12. Thank you Mary, I know its because there is someone more in need than me...just hope they get to me soon....:>)

    I love the new name for your shop....beautiful!xx

  13. thank you for visiting my blog.. your name is in the hat!

  14. lovely colours, can't wait to see it finished!
    Josie x

  15. Great to see that Mojo is back!!
    I just love those pretty fabrics, and the way you've put them together!!! I really can't wait to see your quilt finished. I do realise how long they can take, but are certainly worth it in the end!
    Happy stitching : )

    Sharon xx

    P.S. Maybe you could invest in a rotary cutter & mat if you make another at some time.

  16. Lovely! I think your Mojo sent mine to me too!

  17. Fabulous to see the mojo's back! Now did you find my marbles by any chance?


  18. Oh well - I wonder if they will return when the little people go back to school?!
    The patchwork looks fab - would like to have a go one day & do like you did & use some of my little ladys clothes....

    & thankyou for the lovely comment about my holiday!

    Love Lydia

  19. Your patchwork is beautiful! I'm about to begin my first quilt, so looking around for some inspiration. It was nice to have found some on your blog.


  20. Very pretty, glad your mojo came back.
    Yvonne x

  21. Hiya hunni
    Thant quilt is gonna look soooo cute when it's done you really do have an eye for colour.

    Congrats on your sucess at selling your handmade items I've been wanting to do it for a while now but haven't been able to pluck up the courage so well done.

  22. Those fabrics and colours are absolutely yummy scrumptious! Suzie. XXX

  23. Glad your mojo turned up! The quilt is going to be beautiful!

    I've tagged you for The Great Read Award over at mine:


  24. I think you have the prettiest blog ever. I want to steal all your pictures immediately! Mojo's never diappear for long - glad yours is back. :-)

  25. It might help if I post my comment in the right post! Sorry, my comment is in the post underneath.

    Lou xxx

  26. Gorgeous patchwork, fabulous bunting and a very handsome little boy. - have been doing a catch up read. It isn't as though i have lost my 'mojo' just the route to my sewing room!

  27. What a gorgeous quilt your making. I have been wanting to make a quilt like this for ages, but wouldnt know where to start.



Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X