Wednesday 19 May 2010

Ickle Olde Me....

The theme this week at The Gallery was self portraiture. Eeeek thought Mary Poppins. My blog is kinda anonymous, though of course not so anonymous when many of you saw my little stint on BBC1 last year. The only photographs I seem to be in these days are when I have had a little glass of vino or two, where I feel a little more relaxed about my appearance. I am forever taking photographs of other people, pretties etc, but not that many appear of ickle olde me. I think maybe I used to be a little vain, being ex cabin crew, it kind of gets drummed into you on how looks/appearance are important in that line of work. Of course I know it matters not one jot in the real life scheme of things, health, happiness and all that are far more important.

Well, I guess I should go for it hmmm, what do you think.

 Here is one to gently ease me in, about to go in and do the deed ;0)....

I was only on for a day and got shy, glad some of got see "me" though :0)


  1. Hi! It's so great to see you! Lovely pictures. I'm glad you posted them. I had a mini trauma before posting one of me on my blog a few months ago, but it turned out to be pretty painless in the end! Hope you're having a great day. Em x

  2. Hello you! lovely to be able to put a face to a name... and I don't think "olde" comes into it you look so young....

    x Alex

  3. Ahh. Hello, there you are!
    Lovely lovely to meet you x

  4. ah there lovely photos and its nice to see who you are! see I bet it wasnt so bad after all :)
    Have a great day!

    Jade Xx

  5. You are clearly enjoying all those 'hats' you have to wear! Lovely photos - can't resist a bride!

  6. Hee hee I love it! I like your party face!

    It is very lovely to 'see' you xxx

  7. I soo had the wrong image of you in my head! For some reason I had your more curly haired and lighter hair :o) Lovely to see you for real and just love the veil on your wedding dress, so dreamy. xx

  8. Wonderful! What gorgeous photos, great shots too. Isn't it strange how most of us stop wanting to have our pics taken at some point. I have mine taken under hude durress these days, choosing the boys and books over a dreadful shot of myself that I'll either delete or rip to pieces!! XX

  9. Lovely to meet you! You deserve a night out once in a while ;)

  10. ha ha, what a relief - you're normal! I imagined you would be this teeny weeny little creature with a tightly permed hairstyle, dame edna glasses and tidy suits/smart shoes - how wrong can you be! The real you is much better than the imagined.

  11. Allrright ! looking at the picture, I'm sure you are everything you said, especially young as you are able to make fun of yourself...anyway, preatty easy to do as you are preatty for real !!!

  12. Pretty photos!!! it's great to see you!!!

  13. Well look at you, girl, what on earth were you worrying about? Lovely photos!

  14. Looks like you had a lovely wedding! :-)

  15. What pretty pictures! Now that was not so bad. You look very happy in your party picture. ( I know the vino helps! lol)

    I HATE having my picture taken and go to great lengths not too. Much to the annoyance of my other half. But really I do not want to know how many chins I really own! lol.

    Love the bride picture too.

    MBB x

  16. Gorgeous pics... although disappointed you didn't go for the sexy shot ;)

    Also, didn't know you were a TV star - you'll have to tell me all about that sometime!

  17. Oh,a nice wedding picture, unfortunately too busy to read all the post on have missed your other pictures ;(


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