Sunday 20 June 2010

Happiness Is A Little Thing Called Love....

Do you ever have days that you can't wait to get into bed, waiting for it to be the end of the day, longing for that next new day to begin. A new dawn.

I certainly sometimes do, you know, like when things are going wrong. Maybe I broke my favourite cup, and then broke the iron, the fridge packed up, or a child is poorly and we have had no sleep, it is cold and raining, or we have run out of milk when all Master. Poppins wants to settle him is a warm mug of it, there is no chocolate in the house.... you know those kind of days.

Well, today is one of those day's I really DON'T want to end, it has been a wonderful, special, almost magical day spent with the people I love, cherish, respect, am grateful for and who mean the world to me. My Family. My wonderful husband, my very sweet and happy young daughter, and my little cherub of a special son.

I am definitely going to bottle today up in a pretty glass decanter, keep it somewhere special, and take a little peek every now and then to remind me of how much I have enjoyed today and hopefully it's reminder shall bring a smile to my face.

Here we all are, our hands tied together like little heart strings, it is days like today that are to be cherished.

I really hope you have had a happy day today, spent with the people you love....

Edited to say: Seems the bracelet is proving popular. It is this gorgeous one and was purchased here and the lovely seller now has a custom listing so you could buy one just like mine :0)



  1. Not too soppy ;-)

    Glad you had such a lovely day x

  2. Glad you had such a lovely day - definitely worth recording to look back to in times of need :-)

  3. Perfect! Hold onto this lovely day...

    Mmm & I can I appear shallow & admire your bracelet?? Is it a new purchase?? 'Cause its a happy looking bracelet Mrs!!!


  4. I think you should frame that photo or have it transferred to a canvas.

  5. so glad you have had a great day. I also love the bracelet

  6. That's lovely, and the photo is a great way of saving the memory. I've had a lovely (birth)day today and am currently cherishing the chance to blog for a while whilst listening to Ben reading the boys a hysterically funny bedtime story. That's a good one to remember, too...

  7. Lovely happy post,and glad you've had a fantastic day!

    Hugs ((( ))

    Sharon xx

  8. This is one of the reasons I blog. To record the best bits of our lives

  9. Thanks for sharing it makes you cherish life that little more x

  10. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo and lovely day, it always warms my heart to read posts like this , may you have many more xx

  11. That's a lovely picture of the family all together and yes, the bracelet is very pretty too.
    Happy fathers day to you and yours.

  12. Good Days like that are worth all the bad ones, great post! SueXXX

  13. Sounds like you all had fun, memories like this are so special. Love the bracelet too.
    Ann x

  14. Naughty, naughty lady - leading me astray....


  15. Its wonderful when days like that happen... I look forward to one of those coming soon... ;D

    had a peek at her shop and there are no more cheerful bracelets... perhaps she would do a commission piece? lol

    big hugs Alex x

  16. I love that photo - definately one to have framed :)

  17. What a lovely inspiring post. Just perfect for a Monday morning. Love that photo xx

  18. Awww, am now feeling all warm and squishy inside. What a sweet photo and uplifting post. I'm going through a bit of a stressful time at work at the mo but this has made me realise that some things are more important. Thanks Mary, L xox
    PS And thank you for following and putting me in your sidebar - don't think I've ever been in anyone's side bar and am quite enjoying it :o) Hope you have another happy day today x

  19. Ahhhh that's a lovely post! Days like that are wonderful.

    Mel xxx

  20. Lovely blog post Mary!

    And thank you so much for featuring my bracelet!

    I haven't made another one yet, but I will make a listing tomorrow with 5 in stock, and make bracelets similar to the 3 already sold if and when orders come through, if anyone is interested (hope Mary doesn't mind me touting for business on her blog hehe!)

    Stacey aka The Jewellery Angel

  21. What a thrill to find this's lovely and just full of charm!! That was a lovely post...I've decided that this is going to be my year of gratitude!!! We all have so much to be thankful for!!
    xo maureen

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