Friday 16 July 2010

What Does It Taste Like....

I had seen these pretty jars here once or twice and being the shopaholic I am, was tempted, though walked away. So when I saw these here saving myself one or two pennies I bought them. Of course I have no clue what Fluff tastes like, looks like, what it is used for or if anyone in my family shall like it. You see I am a gal who loves her pretty packaging and I have to say these cute, retro style jars, reeled me in. I have all manner of ideas what I shall do with them. All I need to know off you lovelies, is if the actual Fluff is worth tasting ;0)



  1. Ah I love it!!!! It's like the marshmallow you get in Tunnock's Teacakes or Wagon Wheels. Great for sandwiching biscuits or little mini spongecakes together with jam! If you have a chocolate mould tray you can use some to put in the middle of any choccies you make. Yummy! I was introduced to it by my husband who used to have it when he lived in America. I'm sure the kids will love it, even if you don't! Give it a try! Have a great day! xxxxx

  2. I've never tasted it, but I'm sure my girls would LOVE it!! I'm a sucker too for great retro packaging.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Jane. x

  3. I'm obsessed with this stuff but strangely never tried it although saw in TK Maxx myself and thought about buying and doing some baking with it! I'm sure Nigella has one or two recipes that call for it.

    Victoria xx

  4. I saw this in tkmaxx! must pick some up sometime. Love your blogg and hope you dont mind me following <3
    my page:

    Have a great weekend xXx

  5. I've never seen flavoured fluff. We use the plain stuff here to make the best fudge at christmas time though. It's one of those things from childhood that brings back such memories, but if I tried it now, I'm not so sure if I would like it. I do not that lots of people make peanut butter and fluff (plain) sandwiches. They are called fluffernutters :)

  6. I love that name fluffernutters its worth buying and trying for that alone.I didn't know you could bye it here I have only read about it in cookery books
    Cate x

  7. I too would like to know what Fluff tastes like!

  8. Like you, I have often wondered what it tastes like and if it is worth buying! Looking forward to seeing what tasty goodies you make with it ... might even be tempted to go and get a jar myself!

  9. Mmmm, fluff! I used to have the plain stuff on bread when I was little! Yummy!

  10. It looks yummy so please let us know when you have tried it. I wonder if you could use it in the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook recipe for marshmallow cup cakes. You have to melt marshmallows to go in the middle and it's very messy so this could be the answer.
    Ann x

  11. It does look like it's full of 'cr@p' (ie, artificial colourings and flavourings) so you won't catch me trying it, but cute jars! :-)

  12. It looks like lovely fluff to me - can't wait to see your review on it :-) Bet you can't wait to use it up just to get your hands on the fluff jar - how cute!

  13. It's lovely, if not a little sickily. I bought a friend some for christmas last year as tehy have a very large sweet tooth, and the jar disappeared very quickly :) x

  14. I always had this on my cocoa when i was little and got so excited when i saw it in TK MAX!! Its is so yummy!!


  15. Ohhh its gorgeous!!! my sister introduced me to it a while back...also buy mine from TK Maxx now as the american Deli were charging big for it! I use iot in backing...and also toast it too, spread on lightly toasted bread and then pop back under the grill...makes an interesting topping :)
    Have you had Smuckers Goober yet...thats a whole different story, delish!! x

  16. i use it in Baking...not backing...but might hold the wallpaper up :D

  17. I bought some a while back from tk too and posted about it, It tastes like a nougart bar, but without the nuts-and softer-yummy!xxx

  18. Wow, that stuff looks delicious (and not just the jar itself ... okay, fine, the jar itself). Must. Buy. Fluff. X

  19. Pink Fluff!! I didn't know it came in any other colours or flavours? How fantastic! Thanks x

  20. i have never tried it but i bet it would taste delicious on cakes or home made biccys!!


  21. Gosh I bought my jar from Harvey Nics of all places. I'm afraid it stayed in the cupboard for over a year uneaten. Even the children wouldn't touch it.


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