Thursday 23 September 2010

The Oldies Are The Best....

So, I thought you may like to see something very lovely that made its way round to my house, some days ago, and is a very beautiful gift off a very kind neighbour. I was so touched to know she wanted me to have it, appreciate it, and she wouldn't hear of it when I mentioned that I thought it should be kept in her family, she said all it was doing was gathering dust and would be honored if I had it.

So, here she is, in all her beauty....


Notice the scissors, a lovely gift of a relative of mine, they came in their original packaging and are Golden Age scissors, and cut like a dream, they are coming up to 50 years old. The lady relative in question took me over to one side at a party and said I have something I want you to have. Like a magician, she pulled them out of her bag, and told me the story of how she used them when she taught craft in a school in the 60s. How thoughtful and special.

Thanks to a very lovely lady  I have dated the machine to 1937 and have been able to thread it in the correct way and now all I need to do is have a play and create something pretty. I have all these wonderful gadgets too, to help me and an original instruction book taken from a similar model, so shall be like a bee on honey, enjoying myself.

I think this is the ruffler, and look forward to finding out what all the gadgets do.

So thank you dear neighbour, a very special gift that shall certainly bring me much joy :0)



  1. oooooh I love her! lucky you! xxxx

  2. Ooooh she is a beauty! Hope she brings you lots of happiness :)

  3. Great ... will you call her Pearl?

    (Who sang that song - Pearl's a Singer?)

  4. T'was Elkie Brooks in 1977!

  5. I am getting serious attachment envy I have been looking for some for my treadle .
    You cant beat an old singer machines what a lovely neighbour you have xx

  6. She really is lovely Mary and I can't wait to see what you make with her!

  7. Isn't it a lovely machine? I'm a sewing tutor, and I had a lady in my new class last night who turned up with exactly the same machine, the same velvet lined accessory box and accessories. I had to check to see that you were not her! You are both lucky ladies - it's beautiful!

  8. Ooooo that really is a beauty! Enjoy!

  9. What a beauty! I have one just like it that was my Nana's, with all those different feet too! You've reminded me that I must try and get it serviced so that I can use it!

  10. What a lovely thing for some one to do, how kind some people can be. Lucky you..x

  11. A lovely addition to your sewing room. I had one just like it and it did sew well. I think the second attachment is a button holer and the third one is for doing hems.
    Blessings, Star

  12. What lovely gifts! The sewing machine is a real beauty!
    Enjoy and have a nice weekend!

  13. Such beautiful machines. I was lucky enough to get one from ebay earleire this year. Sadly I am struggling to identify the different pedals so far.

  14. Oh she's delicious! I love vintage gadgets.


  15. How lovely! I have my Nanny's old Singer sewing machine and I love it soooo much!
    Do you have any idea where we would get out beauties serviced?

  16. You need to make sure that lady shows you how to use the attachments you will be so glad that you did they will fit a new singer simple machine also if that one fails.Have a great day,carol.. visit with me at my blog,


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