Thursday 19 May 2011

My Make From Mollie Makes....

Many of you shall have heard bloggy shout outs for a lovely magazine, called Mollie Makes that has just been published. It seems lots of bloggers are talking about it, and also that this first copy is rather tricky to find.

Well, we all know how determined Mary Poppins can be on the shopping front, so on the hunt I went, and found myself a copy.

  It really is rather a nice read I have to say. Lots of beautiful photographs to drool over, creative projects to have a go at, and interesting people to read about. So certainly gets the thumbs up from me. At £4.99, for me, it would have to be a high quality read, and it really is. Very stylish infact. In my opinion a little like blogland but in an in print kind of way.You can have a little mooch at what is inside here and also if it takes your fancy subscribe to three issues for only £5.00 too.

Do you sometimes see a little project that you just can't wait to get on with, just too appealing to go on the to do list, or become a work in progress. The lovely project that took my eye was how to make a little peter pan collar, and I think is a lovely accessory. Here is my pretty and very pink version.

And I couldn't wait to wear it and it went down very well....I think I am going to make bigger versions of it too.

So a very nice read, and I have to say I am on the lookout for one more to offer as a giveaway on here as I know there are people who are struggling to find a copy. Shall do my best....

Here are some very creative and inspiring words taken from the Mollie Makes website,

"We believe that fabric makes you happy....that if a thing is worth making, it is worth making beautifully....that we can all express our own unique sense of style....We believe in making something just because it feels right....We believe that it is time for a new kind of craft magazine......."



  1. I'm very impressed with the magazine too! Your collar looks fabulous! I havent made anything from the mag yet but the collar was on the top of my list for my daughter!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Rachel x

  2. Now I have had a peek inside I am even more determined to find it...I am off on another hunt today!
    Very pretty collar....
    Susan x

  3. Hear hear! It is a lovely cover too. Scrumptious colours.
    I love your little collar. It looks so cute on you. How amazingly original someone was to come up with that idea.
    When I was in America, I liked to look at and buy the magazines from the Stampington range. You can find those at - do take a peek at those too.

  4. Your Peter Pan collar looks so lovely, so you! Well done for making something out of it so quickly, I'm still reading and re-reading! I quite fancy the crochet apple holders first though. xx

  5. It seems to be a nice magazine. The collar you made is great!
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. Where did you find a copy of the 1st issue of the mag? I have trapezed all around town today looking for a copy with no luck at all. Even the sales assistants had not heard of the magazine...:(

  7. I called the magazine up and they told me they are not supplying supermarkets, just newsagents - I managed to find one in my local, well worth the search. Your collar turned out better than theirs I think! Betty

  8. Your collar is fab!! I tried and tried to get a copy but I don't think they got as far as Norfolk - and when they did they were sold out before you could get there! Anyway, I ended up downloading a digital copy for £4.99 - I know it's not the same as holding the magazine but at least you can read it. I have subscribed from issue 2! Here's the link if anyone is interested in a digital version - Craft Hippy xxx

    Ignore the fact it says £36.99 - to the right of the add to cart button you can just buy that issue!

  9. Thank you for the info on this new magazine. I must see if I can try and find one.


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