Happy New Year one and all. I really don't know where the time has gone. Christmas for the Poppins household has been a busy activity of toing and froing between family houses. That now comes with packing a dog and a hamster into the car too, so does take some organisation. One wouldn't normally consider a Border Terrier getting along too well with a hamster, but they seem to have an understanding that each is a family pet. When the hamster decided to leave his cage for a little while one day, when someone had accidentally left his cage open, they came face to face in the hallway, yes you can imagine my face, but all was well. So we are back at home sweet home now, getting settled into the new year. A little exercise shall be high on my priority as I did rather over indulge in all things yummy over Christmas.
I have to say the Homemaker magazine, which I hadn't read before is great, with lots of inspiration....
When it came to pretty prezzies there was of course a little of my favorite pink in there....
The little phone holder gadget is great, and as for those pretty pink swallows I have had my eye on them for ages. When I woke up today I felt very grateful for what I have, the people around me who inspire me daily and I loved doing this very sweet and quick little project....

I love it's simple look and I knew those vintage scrabble letters would be put to good use one day. I just adore the wrapping paper I have used for the back ground, infact I wish it was a wallpaper. Actually as I had some Christmas money I couldn't help but spend a little of it in dotcomgiftshop's fantastic sale! Ha ha I warn you though, if you venture over you may be there some time, I can't wait for my order to arrive, I grabbed some real bargains. Can you tell I need more reminding on my collection of pretty things ;) I am also hoping on doing a little homemade project each week and rather than resolutions I plan to have these little hopes and wishes for the new year, they shall be going in here to remind me....
One wish is that I curb my enthusiasm for collecting pretty things I don't really need but love. I think I need to keep reminding myself of this judging on my little shopping expedition yesterday, I just can't help it. I really can hear them say "Buy me, Buy me"....
It also looks like Master Poppins is becoming more and more like me every day. I love the pretty objects he chose for himself and with his own pocket money. What fine taste I say....
I'm also trying to get more crafting done this year, and am hoping to get a little blog going specifically for all my crafty projects and news....
So this year my motto shall indeed be as usual....
Miss. Poppins gets allocated her secondary school soon and we are all waiting in anticipation, as there are many schools in the pot as it were. I am so proud of her. She is growing up so fast, right in front of my eyes, we even share the same show size now too, which is always handy. For me or her? I can't quite work out yet ;)
So, this year I shall carry on with the journey of following my dreams, and I sincerely wish you all the best health and happiness for 2013....