Wednesday 17 September 2008

Lets Pick A Winner

Are you all excited, you could very nearly be the lovely owner of some pretty Emma Bridgewater. Righteo off to find a two year old to pick a winner, good luck my friends....

Thank you to all of you for your lovely comments here and at the SC Cafe, I greatly enjoyed reading what your favourite flower is and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I wish you could all win but as we so greatly know there can only be one winner.

The winner of Mrs. Poppins' giveaway is....

The delightful Trish at Trixie's Trinkets.

I wanted to share with you also some dressing table sets have bought, I hope you like them, if you have anything similar please let me know, I have been hoping to see some of the dressing table glasswear for a long time, and today I saw two of them, in excellent condition, and so pretty don't you think....

They were from a Charity Shop very close to my heart, The Heart Foundation, Master Poppins has a heart condition, Pulmonary Stenosis, he had a cardiac ballooning when he was three months old, and he hasn't been to the Childrens Hospital for over a year so things are looking really good and he is as healthy as any boistrous two year old I know.

I also bought a this floral pretty.

Mmmmmmm I don't know what you are thinking, but methinks I now have too many lovelies to put in my lovely new home.... 



  1. Wow some great bargains ther...i'd say a very good price for the two lts....and i love the pictures....have you seen the floral wall that Posy has.....lovely!
    Your home will be stunning!! i look forward to the unveiling!!!

    So glad your little full of spirit and fun......
    Have a happy evening!!xxxxxxxx

  2. Hi Mary,
    I love all your Treasures... specially your floral Vintage pictures!
    They will look gorgeous in your shabby chic inspired home!
    The vintage glass dressing table set, was a good bargain indeed!
    I saw someone pay £25.00 at my local auction, and another set, not as nice as yours though in clear glass for £15.00 at my local charity shop!
    By the way... I didn`t know about your gorgeous and smartly dressed little boy condition.
    And I`m so glad to know, that he is well now... and I truly hope that he stays well...
    You all been through so much!
    If there`s anything else that we can do for you on your blog make-over, please do let us know!
    Me and Alan would love to be able to help in anyway we can!
    Oh... before I go... You have been Tagged!
    If you go to my blog... you can find out more about it!
    Kisses & Hugs
    Debbie & Alan

  3. awww hunny, thank you so muc *wub* you have brought a HUGEMONGOUS smile to my face xxx

  4. I like the glassware well done on that!! lovely blog design as well and I cannot beleive i did not know there was a book about blogging! i must hunt it out immediately!Lucky trish winning your lovely giveaway - oh well I may just have to visit an EB Shop and buy my own :-) and maybe a few more bits and pieces may be purchased ............ :-) Lesley x

  5. I paid 50p Mary :) he he!! No idea what the going rate is -just kidding xxx- they look gorgeous and if you really love something then you have to have it:)
    Blog layout looks fab - colours are excellent xx

  6. hi there!
    I'm so pleased you like M.Poppins...all my fave songs play when i pop-in!!!! love it!

    i think your cool!

    I've had a very happy evening watching tv....and eating more ice cream.....its been fun....and i've been on lots of visits to blogs.....i'm off work now for 2 days.....well kind of...i'm helping my ex nanny family out....while they leave the we are child and house sitting....huge resposibility....till Saturday night! eekkkk!

  7. Fiddle Fiddle........... Nah Trish deserves the lovely, because she is lovely.
    Well done Honey. Mwah X x X x X

    Thanks Mary. Mwah X x X x X x X
    Your blog is looking beautiful, i have also had the DESIGNER in, wipe your feet if you visit though cos it has new shagpile and everything........... :-)

  8. Hi Mary, I love your new look and all your treasures. Debbie and Alan designed my blog too. Aren't they the best?

  9. Another posh and pretty blog - it's fab. A blogging book eh I could do with all the hints and tips! Well done on your lovelies again and well done to Trish, a gorgeous yummy present. xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X