Tuesday 9 November 2010

Love Hate Time Of Year....

Do you ever have that newborn tiredness feeling....

I call it newborn as it feels like the tiredness I felt when having a newborn baby at home. A little out of sorts, clumsy, snappy, maybe even a little teary. Well I am that tired.

I love what this time of year brings with it. Lovely family birthdays and wedding anniversaries. I love, love the beautiful and moving scenery the autumn brings, I love Christmas, I love snow on the ground and jingle bells in the back ground.

But, sometimes I really do not like this time of year, and wish for the sunshine, the spring. I do not like what this time of year does to my precious Master Poppins. The clocks going back or is it forward ( I can never remember , blame the tiredness )  that cold snap coming in, hats and scarves. What this time of year does, is make my Master P one very poorly little boy. Yet again another 4am visit to hospital, with his chest.

You may know he was born 11 weeks early, weighting 3lbs 1oz, he was ventilated ( albeit for a very short 8 or so hours ) and so rightly or wrongly I often wonder whether his prematurity, makes him a little weaker at this time of year.

After waking up after being put to sleep for my cesarean, I was handed a polaroid photograph of my baby, the very first time I saw him, hours after he had been born and all I had to prove that thank goodness he was born alive.  I thank the lord every day he was sent for me to keep. This slightly out of focus shot that one of the nurses took of him, is possibly one of my treasured things. This is how I saw my baby for the very first time.

 So normally a photograph of pretties, is now a photograph that looks more like a medicine cabinet.

I wonder if maybe as he grows bigger, he shall also grow stronger. I hope so. Do your little ones cope well health wise at this time of year. Maybe it is not Master P's prematurity at all, maybe it is just him. How he is made up, but I so wish one year we could see this time of year through, without any hospital visits. He copes so well, bless him....

Hopefully whilst he sleeps, he is getting better, the only time he doesn't cough is when those sweet blue eyes of his are resting....

As for me, I shall aim to catch 40 winks....probably even now ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;0)



  1. oh the poor bubs..i so understand were you are coming from as you know our little boy also suffers from asthma in the colder months ( and somtimes the warmer months aswell !)
    the hospital visits are always at silly oclock in the morning arnt they and they never cease to be frightening for us mums when our boy is there weezing away..
    hope he picks up for you.. and you can get some sleep

  2. Oh no thats such a shame. I hope he gets through the winter without too many problems.
    Best wishes and love
    Sue x

  3. For me last year was better than the year before, but we already have had one visit this year with Maxi too! I know you pain and the humidifyer is out all the time too. He hopefully will grow out of it, I think Maxi is

  4. Sorry this time of year for you is difficult. It must be so hard to have to make hospital visits, and you must be so tired too.

    I always wondered whether my big bear (now 10) would suffer ill health because of his prematurity. He was 10 weeks early weighing 2 1/2 lbs. The doctors didn't really know what was to be expected, and as mums, the worry can sometimes be unbearable. I'm pleased to say big bear was a fighter and grew up to be healthy and strong with no real problems...but you never stop worrying.

    Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep and Master P gets better.

    Vanessa xxx

  5. oh dear I hope he gets better very soon - I always thought that prem vented babies had a higher chance of chest infections??

    I understand the bit about the 1st meeting by photo, my amy was 10 hours old before I saw her for real - I had the incubator picture until then too!

    We are very lucky to have these precious babes, even though mine is now 26!

  6. It is so worrying isn't it!!! Our eldest daughter who is 9 was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a month ago and the anguish that this has bought is unbearable ;-(( Children are so resiliant though and they seem to pull through it so much easier than us. What the future will hold for us - we don't know as she will become really unwell if she develops any infection. I hope yours feels better soon. Big hugs from all of us. Kerry xxxx

  7. they do cope better as they get older - just hang on in there

  8. I'm dreading the winter too. My little Sam had several emergency hospital admissions last winter with breathing difficulties. They won't call it asthma yet just a 'viral induced wheeze' but its so scary when it happens. I'm just praying that he may have grown out of it this year. Lets hope for a germ free and hospital free winter!!

  9. If it's any help I too had 2 boys born with asthma, one born early and one born 3 weeks late. Aj still has the dicky constant cough but is a huge man, and Tom has at the age of 19 at last got his asthma under control. He has all his inhalers but his attacks are lessening so he is thrilled and is running, training for a half marathon. We have done the hospital and time of school thing but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Thoughts and best wishes with you at this colder time of year.

  10. :-( I hope Master Poppins gets better very very soon. Mine are all fine at this time of year but I have a friend whose children always get chest infections etc at this time of year but they were not born prematurely. Sending virtual hugs. x


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