Tuesday 1 March 2011

Lisa Childs Piano Book....

A while ago we were very fortunate as a family to have been kindly given a beautiful and treasured piano by some dear relatives. She really is very sweet, and occassionally, as well as Miss. Poppins and Master P, who also loves playing it, I myself have a little tinker and play some of the olde tunes I learnt from school. Well alright, they can't really be called tunes, and I am a VERY basic player it has to be said, though my daughter does seem to have a natural flair for playing. We had toyed with the idea of piano lessons ( which can be very pricey ) so when I was emailed to see if I would find any use for reveiwing a piano book I jumped at the chance.

Now, this is no ordinary piano book, Oh no. Firstly it is pink, a sure fire winner in my book :0) It is a Lisa Child's Piano Book which are available to buy here and had me drawn in just by the pretty cover.

There are four books in total in the programe, and we were sent the beginner book, book 1. Each of the four piano books takes pupils through a logical learning process. It is great fun and very easy. It is a quick, fun, teaching guide and enables children as young as 3 years of age, or even up to people in their 80s to learn to play the piano. Yay! That is my whole family then, and there is never a wrong time to start learning with the Lisa Childs method and you can enjoy making music straight away. It is very easy to follow and stickers are involved, which made my children very happy.

As music is for all of us to enjoy, I like that this method can also be taught by parents and children as young as Master P ( 4) and who are very eager to learn to try out new things, and aim to please. This idea of teaching has seen many children taken their Associated Board Grade 1 examination by the age of 6 or 7, so is obviously doing something right. The book we have been sent normally takes an average of 6-8 weeks  before progression onto book 2. We have been learning with this book for about 3/4 weeks, so a little time to go but I have been amazed at the results, especially from Miss. Poppins ( age 9 ) who seems to have really grasped it, and is now teaching me all about staves and clefs.....

You never know she may make a pianist out of me yet....



  1. love reading your blog- love it if you could folow me too...


  2. What a clever way for everyone to learn, and its pretty too what more could you want.

  3. Just found your blog today, can't wait to hear more from you it's great! lol

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!


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