Sunday, 31 July 2011

Pink Plastic Flamingos....

I am a lover of pink, and I love the look....

Though as I am considering buying some of these. Am I taking things a bit too far?....

I really, really likey....

Are they a love 'em or hate 'em kind of thing? Are they really that tacky? And I do wonder if on an environmental level, should I really be bringing more plastic into my household, or garden rather.

Though are very me....

I was really taken by the words of Tom Shawcross who talks about them here:

"Then there is the matter of, how shall I phrase this, good taste. One man’s Petit Trianon is another man’s Pink Plastic Flamingo. The PPF, by the way, was invented by Don Featherstone, who sculpted the original Pink Plastic Flamingo, as well as an estimated 600 to 800 other products, including ducks, garden gnomes, penguins, and about anything else one can think of. Actually, there is no consensus on the Pink Plastic Flamingo. To some people, the PPF epitomizes tackiness. Others think they are hilarious. "

And as Don himself says: “I'll bet 90% of the people who buy them just really like them. They feel like I do, that an empty yard is like an empty coffee table – it cries out for something. . . And I'll tell you something about people who put out flamingos: They're friendlier than most people. Remember, they don't do it for themselves – they're doing it to entertain you.”  
So, as for the pink plastic flamingo I shall just have to follow my heart on this one....


  1. You can see the picture of our Danny Flamingo on my home page. We've had him so long that he has started to fade!
    A garden is not complete without at least one PPF!
    Z xx

  2. Oooh yes, buy a whole flock of them, why not............if they make you happy.

    I used to walk past a particular garden on my way to work each day and they had a pink concrete flamingo in the garden which I greatly admired.
    I would've loved to have picked up that bird and popped it under my wing, but alas I never did. So follow your heart and enjoy them.

    Claire :}

  3. If they make you them :)

  4. I'm with you, they are hideously gorgeous! I know I shouldn't love them but I really really do!

  5. OK so they are what most people would consider "tacky" but I for one LOVE THEM!!! If they make you smile and happy what business is it to anyone else what you have in your garden? Go for it!

  6. i have 4 of these already in my garden, they where the first things i brought when i found out that we could move in to our house with our very own garden. i have a post due out tomorrow (that i wrote last week) all about them. great minds think alike? i think so. x becci x

  7. I have these in my garden - love love love them :o) Scarlett x

  8. Pink flamingoes always make me think of our first house. We sold it to some New Zealanders who were living in S.E. London. On one of their last visits to measure up, before moving in, they pointed to a corner of our dusky pink living room and said "my pink plastic flamingo is going to fit just right into that space!" I would have loved to have seen it - as it was quite a classic looking living room at the time!

  9. I must say I am not a fan, but that's just me! And I think I would smile if I saw them in someone else's garden! You many need a few to really carry it off though lol! x

  10. oooh I like them! To be really honest I do think they are slightly tacky but in a good way and that makes me like them. Does that make sense?! They would make me smile everytime I looked outside x

  11. I say you should get them, if you like them then why shouldn't you have them? Life is too short you may as well enjoy it with the things you love around you :) xxx

  12. I say you should get them, if you like them then why shouldn't you have them? Life is too short you may as well enjoy it with the things you love around you :) xxx

  13. I say you should get them, if you like them then why shouldn't you have them? Life is too short you may as well enjoy it with the things you love around you :) xxx

  14. If you like them, have them. You can always (get rid)(sell)(pass them on) at some stage in the future. However, I would advise against giving them names because then you just won't be able to part with them, will you!
    In one of my jobs, I had to walk past a garden where a concrete rabbit lived. He was always there, every morning, rain or shine, and he always gave me a cheery smile. My life without that rabbit would have been the poorer.
    I think you have my answer :)

  15. Eeeeewww! Tacky Pink Flamingos!
    If you like them, get them! But they procreate quite quickly; start out with a few, and soon your whole yard will be full — and then expanding.
    On whom do you plan to pawn off the excess?

  16. i know my little boy would love them as he is a huge fan of the film gnomeo and juliet and adores featherstone the pink flamingo, so believe it or not i'm on the lookout for one too ;) x good luck x

  17. Buy them!!! If only I had a garden I'd have some of these beauties on display!

    Victoria xx

  18. If they make you smile, then Buy them!
    If I had a garden of my own there would defianlty be one or two dotted around :)


  19. I love them, I think you should get a baker's dozen

  20. Can you get me a couple whilst you're at it? x

  21. They are totally awesome. I want some too...

  22. My youngest daughter (4) wants two flamingos for our garden, after watching Gnomeo and Juliet earlier tonight before bedtime. She cried tears when they were spilt up in the film. I came accross your site in my search.. where do you buy them? :)


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