Friday, 9 September 2011

Lampshade Makeover....

Thanks so much for the lovely kind thoughts and wishes that have come my way these past few days. I am still a little out of sorts and doing my very best to be strong for Mr. Poppins, and the children, though I also know I need a little time to grieve too, as my Mother In Law was a very special, dear person to me. She was a big link in the family chain, and now that link has been broken, life shall of course take a while to adjust for everyone....

The little Poppins have gone back to school, and with some free time on my hands, I thought I would cheer up a little corner of my home. I had bought yonks ago a very cheap ( about £5's worth cheap ) sweet lamp  from the bargain shop and because I had left it at a window near the sun, whilst I thought about where to put it, the lampshade had faded somewhat. So a little project was needed. If you are anything like me, I love those pretty little lampshades all dolled up in floral fabrics that one can buy online and from the shabby chicy shops, but I think cost quite a lot of money, when in reality you could hop out to buy a cheap lamp, and darl one up oneself quickly and cheaply.

So here we have my faded lampshade with pretty white base, waiting for some Mary Poppins TLC....

I couldn't find my normal pva glue, so opted for a good olde fashioned Glue Stick. I found some of my most favourite Clarke & Clarke fabric, scissors, pretty gingham ribbon, and some pom pom trim that needed to be used and less than 20 minutes later....

Ah, I love it and for now she sits proudly on my art deco bureau/cabinet. I did use a stronger glue for the ribbon and pom pom detail and I think is very sweet....I love the way the old polka dot shade shines through when the light is on, it gives the floral fabric a lovely new look.

So before you go out and spend a small fortune on a *posh* shabby chic lamp, have a think about popping to the bargain shop to purchase a cheapy one, shimmy over to the pretty fabric and trimmings shop, and have a go....



  1. its very pretty I like the idea of the gingham as a finishing touch
    xx fee

  2. This looks great, Like you say I love how the polka dot shines through. I was thinking of buying a new lamp for my bedroom but I needn't think any more about it, you have sold me a great idea, and an excuse to use up some of that mountain of fabric under my bed :) xxx

  3. Wow! the lamp looks fantastic! xx

  4. That is fantastic!!!!! Oooh, I've got a moudly old white lamp that could do with some TLC!!!!

  5. wow i love that.. ive actually just bought the very same lamp and i love it.. and i had thought about adding a pompom trim to it also ... love that fabric could i ask were you got it from .. its just what i want for cushions!!
    sorry to hear about your mother in can be a very sad time so hope you are all bearing up and drawing close together


  6. You lampshade looks absolutely gorgeous!
    I am thinking about doing up the one I have on my bedside. It is cream and with a cream base so... TOO CREAM!! lol
    You inspired me to get working on it. ;)

  7. I love the lampshade, it's very pretty. The little pompom's are gorgeous! I might have to try this myself at some point..
    Hope you feel happier soon and get through this sad time.

    Ashley xxx

  8. It's lovely - & good to see another Poppins makeover...


  9. It is rather gorgeous, and perhaps something I should do for a few of the assorted lamps bases I have.

  10. I keep searching and searching for the right lamp for the living room.........that is the answer - I really must have a go at doing that. It looks fab and absolutely fantastic when the polka dots shine underneath!
    Hope life is getting easier as time goes on!

  11. I love it and especially as it looks so different when it's illuminated.

  12. Wow, i actually have that lamp and like yours mine has also faded in the sun. Thank you for the tip.

  13. Lovely idea Mary!!! May have to have a go.
    Might even try to see if I can decoupage a small posy on the base : )

    Sharon xx


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