Wishing you all a healthy, happy, peaceful and funfilled Christmas.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Do, Ra, Me, Fa, So, La, Te, Do....
Here they are before, as pretty curtains.
And well under an hour later a little Christmas skirt has been made. Very simple, my kind of style.
And as the curtain is lined, the skirt has a really sweet fullness to it and is lovely and warm for Miss. Poppins on these cold winter days.
And here she is having some fun wearing it....
And as a special Christmas treat for you all, a rare glimpse of the beautiful Miss. Poppins herself. May I present to you my lovely little treasure :)
So rewarding to see her like it too. Normally I treat the children to a little outfit to wear on Christmas Day. It has been a little tradition since I had Miss. Poppins. Though now, I think I am going to make it a new tradition to MAKE them something to wear. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than seeing one of my children wear something handmade that has been made from their own Mothers hands. Miss. Poppins' Christmas skirt shall indeed be worn on Christmas Day, and not a penny cost. Sheer Joy.
Now to get a crack on with Master P, Mmmmmm wonder what delightful fabric I shall find for him in my little stash, hope he likes pink and flowers ;)
Merry Christmas one and all.
Monday, 21 December 2009
A Pause In Advent....All You Need Is Love ♥

Well I would be lying if I said I have had a glorious few days filled with baking, making, and all things fun. I don't know what it is about Christmas and my marriage, but it always takes a turn for the worse at Christmas time, at one point I thought I would be spending Christmas alone and on a mountain away from it all. Then I realised if I didn't have love in my life, I wouldn't really have much of a life. I get bucket loads of the magical stuff from my children, though there is something extra nice about getting a different kind of love from that someone special in your life. The thought that I may no longer share in that love made me realise that our marriage is worth it, strong enough, I hope, to get through these little wobbles and come out the other side which thankfully we have :)
So my pause in advent is all about love, real toe curling, goosebumping, hairstanding on end love. How lucky I feel I am to have this love in my marriage. My marriage is not perfect, maybe yours is, but through talking with lady pals of mine, seems we all go through the mill occasionally and 9 times out of 10 we all seem to get through these ropey roads and sometimes feel our marriages are stronger for it. Occasionally friends of mine don't get through it and they come to the end of their marital journey for one reason or another and go their separate ways. Sometimes this is indeed the best journey to take for everyone involved, and is truly one I really hope I shall never have to go on.
So it is with a very happy smile that although not much prettiness has been going on around here, sometimes the RL stuff is far more important than what I have made, what I have bought, what I have baked. Deep down I would have loved to have had the time and energy to have baked my own Christmas cake and mince pies, handmake all my chistmas gifts, make my own advent calender, etc but I live in the real world, my real world and sometimes I can't keep up with the Christmas domestic goddessy that goes on ;) Though I do do my best. I very much enjoyed the Grumpy Women Christmas programme and giggled my way through as so many of what the ladies chatted about I could so relate to.
My pause in advent is also to spread a little love, love to those of you that may need a little extra in your Christmas stocking for whatever reason. So hopefully my Christmas day shall be filled with the most important ingredient for me, love. Yes I shall thoroughly enjoy the children unwrapping their little presents, cooking the food and eating many a sweetie, but I know what special gift I shall enjoy unwrapping the most ;)
Don't they say love makes the world go round, well I think they are right.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas filled with hope and love :)
Thursday, 17 December 2009
I have been enjoying reading all about your children's nativities. We took a trip last night to our local Parish church to see our daughter in hers. She was magnificent in the choir, I don't know where she gets her voice from ;)
When we came home we had some yummy hot chocolate, my favourite is Green and Black's....We sat down for a lovely Christmas read. One book we are loving is Dear Father Christmas.
I read all about it on a lovely ladies blog, Vanessa from Do you mind if I knit who is the illustator of the book. It really is a most magical book and on many of the pretty pages are little envelopes with letters and all sort of wondrous things in them, that children shall love.
Aswell as the letters and little treats there were two favourites my daughter liked, a pretty card from Father Christmas himself.
And a pretty decoration for the tree.
Aren't Vanessa's illustrations beautiful and dreamy. I hope I have done them justice with my photography.
My favorite one, Mmmmm could it be all those prettily wrapped presents. Miss. Poppins and I spent quite a while on that page guessing what was in each one.
And Miss. Poppins' favorite page. In fact little Holly, the girl in the book has a certain look of my own sweet child, and I am certainly getting asked the same sort of questions that Holly asked of Father Christmas in the book.
So a wonderful Christmas book methinks and if you would like to know where I got mine from, Vanessa kindly lets you know.
So, how is your shopping going. I enjoyed my reflection on all the present buying and realised I was getting a little behind. I ordered a couple of pretty CK umbrella's for my two children, and not bad for £8.00 each I thought. It looks like my daughters won't be here until after Christmas so hopefully they can share the one purchased for Master Poppins which has arrived safely, it has cute coloured little planes on it.

I have also been doing some Christmas shopping for myself ;) Do any of you Christmas shop for yourself, I really shall be wrapping these little pretties up and writing my own label and giving myself a big hug.
Some pretty ballet shoes.
And a gorgeous glass bead floral bracelet, I love it.
Isn't it so pretty.
Have yet more Christmas shopping to do, my husband being one of them. Mmmmm well as he has been a very norty boy shall have to think about that one ;)
I have been doing a little crafting too, little sacks and giant sacks for the children, and more pretty bunting. I enjoyed making this for a new little baby.
Hope you are enjoying the festivities.
Merry Christmas
Monday, 14 December 2009
A Pause In Advent....
Ohooo I could cry I am that tired.
I definately need to pause for advent, yet would feel a little guilty if I do. I shouldn't really be on here, seeing as I have presents to wrap, cards to write, parcels to send off, 3 yr old to look after, wash hair, though thinking the latter is far to frivolous.
We had a flying visit to Wales at the weekend to deliver some presents as I think it shall be my little family of four at home this year and go back and see Family on boxing day. We realised we didn't actually have any presents in our sleigh to deliver, so spent the weekend in shops, purchasing presents, wrapping presents and delivering presents and that is only for the children in our family, Yet to do the adults.
I really don't have a love of new, big, bright with bells on department stores, yet often find myself get really stressed running round them like Supermarket Sweep doing my best to pick the perfect gift. I remember when I was courting Mr. Poppins, B.C. before children, we realised on Christmas Eve that we hadn't bought one Christmas present, so went on a mad dash and spent the rest of Christmas Eve wrapping and missed Christmas Day as slept for most of the day due to sheer exhaustion and maybe too much slow dancing with our wine ;)
So my Pause In Advent is going to be some reflection on all this present buying, I love it I really do, and truly in my heart get a bigger smile on my face giving rather than receiving but sometimes feel it takes over my Christmas holiday.
What is important is the getting together with the family you love, the little things, you know, like the little boy hanging a sweet decoration on the tree, but it is sometimes so hard not to get too wrapped ;) up in it all. I am going to sit back for a little while and take stock, though hopefully not for too long, there is too much to do.
Whilst shopping found a lovely little bargain in the aptly named store Home Bargains, no snob factor here, I love it, and have purchased some lovely pretties for my home. Anyway a lovely pack of wrapping papers caught my eye, 5 rolls, 2 cellotapes, 30 stickers and a Christmas Sack, all for the wonderful price of 39p.
Now all I need to do is get wrapping.
Hope you can reflect with me :)
Merry Christmas
Saturday, 12 December 2009
I Lubs Ya Kirstie....

In all probability for me, I shall not achieve nor wish to spend the high price tag to pursue any of the crafts that the programme highlighted, though I thought it was interesting to see what crafting can be achieved with a higher than normal budget and an array of helpers. I felt the programme, although in most probability was filmed in July or August had a very special magical feel to it and if nothing else certainly got me in the mood for Christmas, and being a lazy olde mare actually enticed me to get of my backside and do something crafty for Christmas. Yes not in the same league as madame Kirstie and her crafty elves, but inspired me, isn't that what it is all about.
Of course I have one or two little gripes with the programme, soap that indeed cannot be made in time for Christmas, yet obviously the programme may not have had that Christmas feel to it had it been aired 4 weeks ago.
I also thought Meadowgate had a decent olde airing, Meadowgate this, Meadowgate that ;) But by heck if I owned a property like that, I would be shouting it from the rooftops and after all it is available to rent and aren't we all encouraged to network and self advertise our goods.
Having had my little T.V. stint, I have, albeit a very little understanding, of how things operate, there shall be a swarm of, researchers, a big production crew, directors and how much Kristie is actually involved in the choosing of these crafts, only she knows, and anyone whose charming little son shares the same lovely name as mine goes in my good books :)
Anyway I loved it, and if I want to re-mortgage my house to make some gold leaf pear place settings, I jolly well shall ;)
Merry Christmas
Friday, 11 December 2009
She May Not Be Big, But She Is Beautiful....
The real one in the lounge is a 6 footer though looks much smaller to me, once bought, the kindly man plonked it into a tree stump and we have left it as it is. I do think Christmas trees get a little thirsty and should be in water, though Mr. Poppins says they don't have to be, I am normally almost always right ;) Anyone know how to keep one's real tree looking sprightly. We have plumed for pretty paper chains this year rather than tinsel. Myself and the two Poppins got a little sticky putting them all together, but worth it.
Well here she is small, yet perfectly formed in my opinion.
A couple of my favourite decorations.
All I want for Christmas....
A gorgeous and well loved vintage wooden Father Christmas, he has a little crazing, but in my opinion makes him all the more charmful.
A beautiful crocheted Icicle kindly made for me by a lovely Lady
And on the artificial tree, I am always reminded by my first born.
And of course a Mary Poppins tree wouldn't be a decorated tree without a sparkly pink heart, kindly sent to me from a fellow blogger friend last year in a little Christmas decoration swap we did.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my newly found engagement ring. I am enjoying it all over again, 10 years old, yet feels brand new.
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait....
Well that day, over a year later, has finally come, my darling husband found it. Very bizarrely, it had somehow got wrapped up in an old bank statement, and whilst we were going through some household paperwork, he heard a little ping on the wooden floorboards and there it was.
And here she is reunited with her friends, Wedding and Eternity.
All good things come to those who wait, never give up hope.
Merry Christmas :)
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String....
Well I have gone for the simple method of wrapping this Christmas. Brown paper tied up with not quite string, but red raffia.
I wonder how you are all wrapping up your little gifts this year.
I wouldn't need much to wrap up these little thrifted gifts, total cost £1.75. A gorgeous Oilily Matroushka photo key ring for 25p.
Think it was the beautiful embroidery that took my eye.
And the cute Coalport posy brooch for £1.50.
I wont need much of my brown paper if I keep finding cute little gifts like these.
One brand new gift I couldn't leave on the shelf was one of these ever so cute Kimmi Junior doll keyrings.
Well, as soon as I saw the name of the doll, some of you know it would be popped right into my little shopping basket ;)
How are you doing with your present purchases, I am wayyyyyyy behind ;)
Merry christmas :)
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Christmas Spirit And Fame At Last....Well Sort Of ;)
We would be smiling and we would be happy because it is Christmas :) Thank you dear friends for helping me reflect and realise this. And thank you for saying lovely, gentle, caring words for my little baby boy who lives on in my heart.
Of course a little Christmas spirit can be found elsewhere as well as ones heart, how about the local garden center.
Cute little decoration.
Singing Santa's.
Polar Bears.
Alright, not very Christmasy but thought some of you UJ lovers would like a looky ;)
Visiting Santa's Grotto. The little jacket Master P is wearing is one I wore as a little child, it was handmade by my lovely Grandmother, who sadly I never really got to know, she passed away when I was three. It is so lovely to see him wearing it, the slevees are far too short now but I am resisting putting it in the out grown pile.
Happy children coming away with a special present from him, am I the only one who makes my children wait for Christmas day for these special, off Santa presents to be unwrapped, I sometimes think I am. Though they don't mind and like to keep them wrapped, under the tree.
And a special and magical Christmas train ride.
Please excuse the red stripe in my daughters hair, twas put in on the Friday at the Christmas fair, and norty mummy has left it in all weekend. Talking of the Christmas fair, I can't believe I am saying it, but I made more money in two hours than I have EVER made in two hours, I suppose is rather uncouth of me to say how much, but we are all friends, £144.70. Of course I haven't taken into account how much it actually cost to make my pretties but hey shan't bother with doing that, what I shall bother with is spending the money ;)
I had a little play on the kitchen table before the fair.
I like to make and sell things that I would buy, I know some would say that is not the right approach, but the way I see it is, if I don't sell them then I can keep them ;) So I made plenty of cute and simple doorstops, cushions, pretty shoppers, hearts, of course ;) bunting and much more. The shoppers were a real hit as were the doorstops and hearts, I even sold some cushions, and had to ask for bigger bags from other stalls as I didn't think I would sell them as they were over my £5.00 is mostly what people want to spend thinking, and only bought small ones with me. What was making me smile were so many of my friends who knew me but didn't know I did the SEWING thing were really, really impressed with my pretties. I even got asked for a business card as a lady wished for me to make some pretties for her daughters bedroom which she felt was due a makeover, business card, now that did make me chuckle, tis only a hobby madame ;)
A little photograph Mr. Poppins took of my Table at the fair.
Hope you don't mind my little trumpet blowing. Hope you come back.
Anyway if by any chance you would like a little looky at some of the pretties that made their way home with me after the fair and are now hoping to find new homes, I am in the process of popping some into my little blogshop Vintage Daisy all at craft fair prices as I think that is fair, don't you. Don't really feel comfortable with this plugging ones stuff malarkey, I musn't be a very good business woman, but well a little mention won't hurt ;)
Well we have made a start on Dressing up Miss Poppins' shared for now bedroom, they both have their little christmas lights around their sweet Ikea Minnen beds, the lights are a perfect match to her beautiful Paris Rose wallpaper, a pretty lit pink tree for Miss. Poppins and a little fibre optic one for Master Poppins and now their room is certainly feeling like a little grotto :)
So, can't really believe I am mentioning as I shall probably now have to leave the country, but for me Fame at last, sort of. Being a wanna be actress BH is probably the nearest I shall get, I had the bestest time with my blogger friend, there is a little story to tell too about one of our purchases
So am keen myself to see if the little Story gets told.
Right off to hide behind a pillow, please don't throw tomatoes at me.