Monday 14 December 2009

A Pause In Advent....

Ohooo I could cry I am that tired.

I definately need to pause for advent, yet would feel a little guilty if I do. I shouldn't really be on here, seeing as I have presents to wrap, cards to write, parcels to send off, 3 yr old to look after, wash hair, though thinking the latter is far to frivolous.
We had a flying visit to Wales at the weekend to deliver some presents as I think it shall be my little family of four at home this year and go back and see Family on boxing day. We realised we didn't actually have any presents in our sleigh to deliver, so spent the weekend in shops, purchasing presents, wrapping presents and delivering presents and that is only for the children in our family, Yet to do the adults.

I really don't have a love of new, big, bright with bells on department stores, yet often find myself get really stressed running round them like Supermarket Sweep doing my best to pick the perfect gift. I remember when I was courting Mr. Poppins, B.C. before children, we realised on Christmas Eve that we hadn't bought one Christmas present, so went on a mad dash and spent the rest of Christmas Eve wrapping and missed Christmas Day as slept for most of the day due to sheer exhaustion and maybe too much slow dancing with our wine ;)

So my Pause In Advent is going to be some reflection on all this present buying, I love it I really do, and truly in my heart get a bigger smile on my face giving rather than receiving but sometimes feel it takes over my Christmas holiday.

What is important is the getting together with the family you love, the little things, you know, like the little boy hanging a sweet decoration on the tree, but it is sometimes so hard not to get too wrapped ;) up in it all. I am going to sit back for a little while and take stock, though hopefully not for too long, there is too much to do.

Whilst shopping found a lovely little bargain in the aptly named store Home Bargains, no snob factor here, I love it, and have purchased some lovely pretties for my home. Anyway a lovely pack of wrapping papers caught my eye, 5 rolls, 2 cellotapes, 30 stickers and a Christmas Sack, all for the wonderful price of 39p.

Now all I need to do is get wrapping.

Hope you can reflect with me :)

Merry Christmas


  1. Sounds like a very busy weekend. I have to say I love home bargains, I often pop in to see what I can see, they had Jammy Dodgers in at 29p this week!!

  2. Oh Mary I feel like I need to pause but no time as so much to be done... tonight was my only free evening to write Christmas cards and now I have promised a friend a trip to the supermarket superstore this evening instead....!

    Victoria xx

  3. Dear Mary -

    Sending you a huuuge hug. I am only just starting Christmas , whilst trying to catch up on a backlog of chores, I too, feel overwhelmed.

    Remember to look after yourself, I'm sure the little people would settle for a less than perfect Christams rather than a stressy mum.

    Love Lydia xx

  4. I think we are all feeling like that at the moment. I will feel more relaxed when I get a. to the other side of the Atlantic (B.A. permitting.)
    I think your house must be bursting at the seams with pretties by now!
    Blessings, Star

  5. Excellent points, delightful photos, cute surprises, and the snow in the pix is so restful. :)

  6. hhhmmm....think I've paused and forgotten to press go......
    Better get my skates on....:>)

  7. I so agree with you! Time to reflect and enjoy all the simple and meaningful christmas moments! suzie. xxx

  8. ooh Mary I empathise with you xxx
    I have to say I am not feeling stressed but do occasionally have a flash of panic!!
    you are right the presents are not important...but it is nice to give...I think as long as we can wake up on christmas day and be with folks we want to everything else is irrelevant xxx

  9. You're not alone, Mary. I'm going crazy. Still doing Christmas cards here. xx

  10. Hello Mary

    It can end up being very stressful at this time of the year. I have changed the way that I organise myself for Christmas. I now buy presents throughout the year so that I don't have to buy them all in December.

    The Christmas cards are only now about to be written, I was not quite so organised there...

    Supermarkets are awful at this time of the year, everyone becoming more pushy and impatient...Farm shopping is so much nicer, unfortunately they don't always stock everything that you need.
    I hope the pause has helped

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  11. ooo i must get myself to the mecca of Home bargains quickly :-) ive had a virus on my laptop so had to dig out an old one to do a christmas blog post and check up on everyone else ! like yourself i just am so busy doing stuff so going to pause this evening and start again tomorrow :-)


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