Wednesday 10 March 2010

Fun, Thank You's And Good News....


We had fun in London, all went swimmingly. After a nice, very sunny comfortable journey, we got there in a little over 2 hours. Lunch time to be precise. Miss. Poppins especially loved the fact that our train travelled at 125mph. Here she is arriving in the capital.

After a little lunch sitting on a bench in the middle of Leicester Square, watching the world go by, we went to their casting. They were called in to the director's room with a small group of children and were in for maybe 20 minutes. I have to say I was quite a nervous Mummy waiting outside, Miss. Poppins would be fine but Master Poppins, well that was a different kettle of fish ;0) I was sitting there waiting for him to be thrown out for bad/rude behaviour ;0) As it was he was fine, Miss. Poppins said all the children thought he was very funny, he was by far the littlest there and the director when he came out was patting him on the head and saying to me " My, my you have a little character there don't you " ;0)

I know it is not everyone's cup of tea the modelling/commercial thing, hence I don't talk about it too much in RL. But, I have to say for social, confidence, fun and occasionally a little money for their piggy bank reasons, I have never looked back at signing my children to one of the top agencies for children in the country. We are all very grounded about it and have fun, we get out and about and as soon as one of my children does not enjoy, then is the time in my opinion to have a re think.  

So after their little casting we went for a mooch.  



We went here for a little culture. We walked past some lovely shops on Regent Street that I would so loved to have gone in, here and here but with two little ones on my hands, I wouldn't have felt comfortable dragging them round. Though of course it was perfectly alright for them to drag me around here. They were both wonderfully behaved, very good walkers, we walked from Leicester Square to Regent Street and back again, they deserved a little treat didn't they. Though the treat Master Poppins wanted was a little too big to fit in our bag.

And then a relaxing journey back home again, where we all had a little snooze and, almost, we arrived back in time for tea ;0)


I received a pretty little parcel from lovely Beki Beki had wanted to send me a little fabric for my kitchen project and also popped in the most delightful Romantic Country Kitchens magazine, sweet flowers for crafting, book and music papers for crafting and a beautiful homemade card. The fabric is a lovely sweet polka dot.

I was especially touched that Beki incorporated my name in her handmade card.

Thank you so much Beki, a wonderful array of pretties there for me to play with.


Thank you too, as I have found out I have won Kelly's special and wonderful Happy Monday giveaway. Thanks Kelly. What a fantastic giveaway I have won.


Thank you so much again for all your wonderful and very special comments on my post here  I have some very good news, with your invaluable help and advice from the comments that were left, I wrote my 1 2 alright 3 pages of correspondence with the council, stating why I wanted my son to attend the same primary school as my daughter and awaited an appeal date. Well phew, I had a call yesterday explaining he now has a place at my local village school, where Miss. Poppins goes and I no longer have to go to appeal. THANK YOU, you know you really helped me out on that one :0)



  1. What a lovley day!!!
    Gorgeous gifts from Beki, she is a doll!!!
    Well done on the Giveaway, I was pleased whaen your number came up!!!!
    I'll post it out to you with your fabric asap xxxx

  2. Woohoo on the school front, I am ever so pleased. I bet you must be realieved.

    Your day out looked fab too

  3. Oh I am so pleased about the school, it must be such a weight off your mind. You all sound like you had a jolly day , but isn't it tiring all the walking?! Love the polka dot fabric... the colour would go beautifully wiht my new curtains! Have a lovely day Mary. suzie. xxx

  4. I bet you are made up about the school!

    A friend of mine has a son that does acting/commercials/shoots and loves it. He is a lovely confident boy and it shows as he talks very easily to adults. Sounds like fun to me.

  5. Glad that it all went well!
    Nothing wrong at all with children doing this kind of activity....nephews Sister, she does modelling for NEXT....has been on three Iceland ads and lots of Magazine and catalogue work, she loves it...she has been doing it from being a baby, she is now 12, and wants to carry on, as she is saving for a car and house!!!!
    How mad/sensible is that???
    Def got her head screwed on!


  6. Mary -

    What very lovely happy news about master P getting a place at the local school - so very pleased for you! The day out looked fab, and you enjoy doing what you want to do with your children... It sounds oodles of fun.

    Thankyou for your lovely comment on my pause in lent post - you are generous with your kind words.

    Love Lydia xx

  7. Hi Mary,

    What a lovely day it out you all had. Sounds like fun for your children with the acting/modeling thing. Its all about keeping it grounded Which sounds like something that comes natural to you.

    Glad everything has gone well with the whole school thing and you dont now have to go through with an appeal. A weight of your mind for sure.

    Lovely pretties there too!

    Have a lovely rest of the week.


  8. YAY.. good news about master poppins.. how great is that.. made up that you dont have to go to appeal..well done!!

    looks like you had a great day.. would love to take my boys to hamleys!!

  9. Fantastic news about the school place. You must be so relieved! Thats brilliant.

  10. That's brilliant news about the school, Mary, it must be such a weight off your mind. Glad you all had a fun day out yesterday!
    R x

  11. What a great day!! Even though you missed out my favourite place in Leicester Sq - Hagan Dazs cafe!!! Beki sent you some great stuff!!
    Congrats on winning Kelly's giveaway!!!
    Best of all - good news about the school for Master Poppins!!

  12. So glad to hear about your son going to the same school as your daughter, we are still waiting to hear where ours will go.

    My son is with an agency, and mostly gets puts forward for acting jobs and he is currently performing in a west end show in London and he loves it and would do it every day if he had the chance. And he has a nice little bit of money for when he is older too. There are boys in the show that are only 6 and they too love it and thats what it is all about. x

  13. Oh Mary, that is fantastic news about your son getting a place at the same school. How wonderful that it all worked out nicely. Sounds like you had a really fun day, and what nice pretties you got in the mail.

  14. So pleased for you that the school place is secured,we have our school placement too, what a relief. Looks like you had a fab day out too.

  15. Oh that's fantastic news Mary!!! What a weight off your shoulders.

  16. Love your blog it really makes me smile and so I have awarded you a sunshine blog award. If you have not received one before, please check out my blog for further instructions. Continue to spread your sunshine we all need as much as we can get.
    Jenny x

  17. i lived and worked in london a looooong time ago (back when i was a happy go lucky single young thing) and your pictures brought back such memories!

    ah, the shopping, the food, the sights!!


  18. Brilliant news - well done :)

  19. I love hearing about people having lovely days in London! Living here - I just don't appreciate it as much as I should ... unless I am having a day off work and doing lovely things!

    What great news about Master Poppins' school ... you must all be so relieved.


  20. You must be so glad to have that news about the school! Enjoy that joy.

    Lovely to see your London photos ... it's been too many years since I have crossed the pond. I also think that you and your children are having great opportunities, and glad that all of you are able to appreciate the fun involved.


  21. Looks like a great day. Good news about the school :)

  22. Hi
    What a great day for you all all round !
    Thank you for commenting on my new blog ! It made my day knowing that somebody read it !
    Very best wishes
    Sue xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X