Monday 1 March 2010

Shouldn't Every Woman Have One Of these....

Hello lovely friends. I hope you all have had a lovely weekend. Happy 1st March too, and a Happy Saint David's Day. Phew, now hopefully my February gloominess should be a distant memory....

I have noticed since the weekend I have now ticked over the 300 mark on the followers I prefer the word Readers or Friends actually. I don't like to harp on about it, but wanted to say a formal THANK YOU to you, my lovely readers, and for often lifting my spirits when they have been a little deflated shall we say, and for so far, always being there. I am not the best commenter, I know it, but shall aim to get better. I do so enjoy your blogs and wish I had more time to comment more often on yours, or personally say a thank you for all your lovely comments. I do hope my little THANK YOU for now, goes some way to letting you know I much I really appreciate you.

Hmmm, I don't know if I failed my no pretty shopping challenge for the weekend, or not. What do you think, no pretty shopping, or pretty shopping ? And being the thrifty shopper that I am, I even got change from a fiver :0)

Anyway, shouldn't every woman have one of her very own ;0)



  1. I love your girl tool kit..... definately every woman should have one!

  2. oh thats not a pretty purchase its a very practical and therefore necessary purchase ;-)

  3. It's lovely, I do have a tool kit but nothing as pretty as this - it will go on my Christmas wish list. By the way I have emailed you about our swap. yaps x

  4. thanks for your comment which was probably just as i left mine on yours LOL - yes they were from that place and I did get the napkins too ;-) i did spy a local garden centre selling the bunny chocolates for 38p each!!! and i think it was only 90p for the whole bag!! how cheeky .... i knew you would like the cushion - i have it in white as well but a nasty stain i need to risk trying to get out :-S

  5. your tool amazing .. if your going to have one then it should be very pretty!!!

  6. Every woman definitely needs one of those tool kits :) I have a pink one too but my case isn't as pretty as that! Definitely makes DIY more fun!

  7. Well... I don't know. I prefer to point and get someone else to do the hard work! I wasn't put here to be a Mrs Fixit, oh no.

    I have to say your kit does look really pretty and would make a lovely display I'm sure. Ha ha.

  8. Every woman should have a Mr Blossom. (The lass he was working with last week said "he was an angel, sent from Heaven.") Soppy, but true. Failing that, yep, a set of pink tools in a matching case. Probably better to look at than Mr B too!

    Z x

  9. Hello,I've just found your yummy blog!
    and Yesss! I love the tool kit..but if I had one I'd be obliged to do those jobs I have no interest in doing myself!
    Em x

  10. Genius! I had no idea what was going to be in there.

    Mel xxx

  11. ive just sprayed it with stain remover and popped it in on a delicate wash (its marked to dry clean only :-S) if it comes out okay then its yours :-)
    i got the spotty napkins as well:-D

  12. Well done on the 300 friends. Nice tool kit......If I had a hammer hhhmmmm I'd hammer in the morning, la la la........I'd hammer all day!

  13. Well done - 300 followers!! You deserve it!!! Now I love that tool kit - but I definitely don't want one!!! I'd never need it - not when Mr A has a 20'x 8' workshop at the end of the garden!!!!!

  14. I likey that set...very nice indeedy!xx

  15. Oooo that's cute !!!
    Twiggy x

  16. Oh that is cute! And very useful. So cancel out any prettiness! ;0)

    Have a good week.


  17. Oh thats is lush looking lol i want one.
    It's got to be pink honey, you know me hehe!
    Hope our well, sorry it's been ages.
    With love,
    Catherine x

  18. Ahh! that is great! I have 'man tools' (liberated from work!) but that looks far prettier than my collection!

  19. You certainly won't get your pretty pink tools mixed up with DH'S!!

    Sharon xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. lol! That pink tool set is simply great!!! I must have one!

  22. Lovely.
    I had mine several years ago for my birthday, but your's has more tool.
    I want your's now ;-)

    Love and blessings

  23. Love it! My DH is a Joiner, do you think he'd like one???!!! x x x x

  24. Mr P keeps hiding his tools... sometimes I email him at work and ask him where the drill is or does he have any nails for the picture i want to hang... scares him whitless! :D

    lovely kit and I think it more a necessary thing that all girls should have...

    My books have arrived so I will be emailing you soon...

    x Alex

  25. Oh yum - I love it - now whilst it is very pretty I think it comes under the practical so you haven't broken any rules - lol! Where did you get it from?

  26. Def every woman should have one,and thanks for your thankyou, I just love your blog makes me smile with every post :0) xxb

    p.s where di you get the tool boxI need one ;0)

  27. That's lovely. I was saying only the other day that I could do with something like that - Mr M bans me from the garage.



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