Monday 6 December 2010

Beautiful Barbapapa Chain Lights....

Gosh what a weekend!! Two Christmas fairs the day after each other and lots of late night sewing, all fun and games :0) I would like to mention two very lovely items that were sent my way to have a play with and review. I do enjoy my review role, I know it isn't for all, and as a blog reader myself, a review about a cardboard box wouldn't interest me much. However when it is of the pretty/crafty/child//foody/pink/ related kind, I am an avid reader and enjoy reading reviews myself. I guess the shopaholic in me helps, I am a consumer, and I like to read about what may be of interest to me or my family. If you do read my reviews I hope you enjoy them. So, what was I sent.

When I am offered something to review with my children, I do take great interest and I knew straight away my children would love to try these out.

The Barbapapa Chain Lights are from a company called Pabobo and are based in Paris ( where I honemooned ) France, though have many international outlets and indeed in the U.K the items are available here  Pabobo offer a gorgeous selection of child friendly lights all of which I think are adorable and a little more fun and unique than some of the standard lighting products aimed at the young. So, I was given the opportunity to see what my own dear Poppins' thought of the chain lights. They can be decorative, wall-mounted, or can indeed be placed on furniture or hanging near a window. They instantly create a fairytale atmosphere and the sweet and colourful Barbapapa chain lights softly watch over little ones and grown ups too! A lovely, decorative alternative to nightlights. The Barbapapa chain light has 20 Barbapapa characters spread over a “transparent” wire of 4.8 m. and each character is approximately 3.5cm high.

So what did we think, well firstly the lights come in two colourways, 'GIRLY' where the characters are in softer, pinks, purples and girlier tones. And also 'SMALL BOY' which is more dynamic, with lots of boy colours and a lot of blue.  


With me indeed having a girly girl and a small boy, I explained I had  no preference on either colourway as they both looked very lovely, and the children didn't mind either. What a lovely surprise when Pabobo sent both colourways, GIRLY for my girly girl to try out, and SMALL BOY for my small boy. We decided we would like them trailing around a piece of furniture. I am a fan of twinkle lights around beds/mirrors/staircases etc, so it seemed we would all get the most enjoyment out of them decorated that way. Hmmm, though what piece of furniture we thought. We first trailed them around Miss. Poppins daybed, and they of course looked lovely. Being an avid bedtime reader, there is just enough of the lovely glow of light from these chain lights to enable her to have a sneaky read, long after she has been tucked up in bed. I would often pop upstairs and the lights would be there glowing beautifully around her bed. I wouldn't say trailing them around the bed is a perfect choice for younger children due to safety ( these are a 3+ item ) but with Miss. Poppins being 9 was more than happy to have them around the metal frame of her bed. She then had a change of heart and wanted them around her little bookcase ( a skip find of mine that I prettied up ) and that is where they have stayed and she loves them there.

As for Master P, his are going around his round window in his Cath Kidston Boats themed bedroom. Shall hopefully look like the soft lights at a porthole in a ship at night. Well that is the idea ( and his ) anyway. So these wonderful chain lights get the thumbs up from all of us. A really sweet chain of lights with 20 adorable Barbapapa lit characters, with oh so cute faces and certainly, with Christmas coming up, add some wonderful charm and festive character to my children's bedrooms. So, do you think they shall let me borrow them....nah, I didn't think so too ;0)


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