Monday 28 July 2008

Welcome To My Childhood Home

Welcome to my childhood home, it is Georgian and was once a vicarage, do you wonder where you get your inspiration from, magazines, blogs, friends' homes, or maybe like me your childhood home. I love my childhood home and elements of my own home are I am sure from growing up around flowers and pretty china, of course I have at times thought my childhood home not very trendy and modern and yet now I couldn't be happier than when I am around floral bedspreads and pretty tablecloths. What are your childhood homes like are your homes like the ones you grew up in.

I love the garden and the front of my childhood home, here look at the pretty shutters

The famous potting shed

The beautiful and peaceful garden

I know which one is my favourite flower.

Inspiration comes from everywhere and especially from special friends' bedrooms, thanks Peps for the beautiful photograph of your bedroom X


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and your comment :-) Well done on the award - Im looking forward to the day when I have earned one as will feel like a true "blogger" then :-D

    I love that bedroom in the last picture it is stunning and your childhood home is lovely as well ! My home isnt really much like my childhood home only in the way I try to make all friends and family very welcome like my parents did with whoever visited us - I tend to be much tidier and more interested in my bits and pieces than mum was but still now nothing better than arriving at my parents and feeling that nice warm feeling you get when arriving "home" !! Lx

  2. What a beautiful home your parents have! Dont get too comfortable there, you mightnot want to go back to My bedroom at my dads is still like I live there, it takes me straight back to being a teenager again! Claire x

  3. What a beautiful home. And you've made your blog so pretty - I love the welcome mat.

  4. Just found your blog, it`s very pretty...
    Can`t wait to see more photos of your home, when the decorating work has finalized!
    Lovely car boot bargains, also!
    Kisses Kisses

  5. Hi, I've come across whlist looking though claire's (serendipity loves New York) fav blog list. I love your blog, your photo's are fab. Look forward to seeing you turn your home into your shabby chic home. Best wishes.

  6. Wonderful childhood home...such grande inspiration...I love the shutters n the windows and the staircase. Daisies are my favorite!

  7. Forgot to mention that I tagged you a few posts ago. Visit my blog if you are interested in playing along.

  8. I think that your childhood home is lovely! Gorgeous photos! ;-)

  9. Hi I've just been given your website by Sal. Looks just up my street.
    I will be abck to read your blog later!

  10. Your home is absolutely amazing!!! very beautiful!!
    I'm new on here....and have been having a great evening looking at all the pictures.....such a treat!

  11. What lovely photos Mary, is it your parents house???

    Beautiful photography too.

    Love and blessings

  12. Fabulous post! Love it...Pam


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