Thursday 29 January 2009

Pretty Bunting And A Swap....

So I thought it was high time I made something pretty, and what a perfect little Tutorial from Mel @ Country In The Town, such a pretty and fun tutorial and as a Bunting Maker Newbie I had to give it a whirl.

So armed with my highly professional tools :) I began to make.

Pretty little sewn triangles, I could quite happily leave it at that, but of course I really should finish the task in hand.

Now I found the bias binding somewhat tricky,I don't have the best of machines so the material kept getting somewhat stuck and my work is very wonky, but hey I have always thought wonkyness equals character, and of course very shabby chic :)
I even bought one of those handheld Bias Binder maker thingys, please inform me that they are easy to use and please feel free to click and enlarge to assess wonkyness :)

Well she loves it, Big Sister that is and thinks her Mummy is very special and very clever Ah, she must have been bribed. So for now it is on her bed and I think looks right at home along with one of Bloomin Myrtle's special handmade doggy's :) As you can see it is actually a draught excluder though Big Sister has fallen in love with her :)

So thank you Mel for introducing me to the world of Bunting Making, a crochet maker I may not be, but a bunting maker now there's a thought :)

I am so glad that my dear friend Lace Hearts loved the CK Esque swap I sent her, I do love to send pretties that touch the receiver in some way and hopefully aim to do that in my Giveaway And it looks like Lace Hearts was thoroughly touched.

Here is a snippet of what I sent her please go see her if you would like to see what pretties I sent.

A pretty little patchwork cushion.

One of my napkin cards, I love making them and they are really easy.

A pretty vintage postcard in a frame with some handmade labels and pretty floral stickers. Thanks MelMel :) MelMel loves the stickers too.

And a lovely candy stripe vintage pillowcase that I knew was a very much wanted pretty yet lace hearts had been unable to find one. And a sweet heart with the words I Believe In You, which I know meant so much to her. Glad you likey Lacey :)

So please feel free to join in on my Giveaway and I am so enjoying reading what your favourite room or rooms are, they all sound delightful. Good Luck :)



  1. I love the bunting.

    Mary, you are just such a sweetie

    April xx

  2. You are such a special person, it always shines through your words.
    You've moved me more than you'll realize today, and I'm so grateful to you. I honestly feel you were God sent, given my past 24 hours. Thank you for your care.
    Your photos are so much better than mine - and it's lovely to see those pretties from another person's eye. They are all so special.
    Please do post how you do the napkin cards. I'm so impressed. Mine would be all crinkled and messy. I don't want to spoil the lovely ones you kindly popped in.
    Your bunting is fab - and it looks so cosy around the bed. You've reminded me that I stitched eight pieces, but lost confidence when it came to putting them on the bias. I'll have to try. I can't get on with my bias maker at all, so no clues from me! LOL.
    With love and lots of hugs. xxxx

  3. Such pretty bunting and made in a trice, you clever thing. I bet your DD's friends will be placing their orders when they see that pretty bed.
    Are the napkin cards the ones that use clingfilm and an iron that were discussed on SCCforum.You must give us some tips..... and where are the wonderful napkins from? Glad I made you smile....I am trying, very trying!!xx

  4. Thanks for popping over to my blog it's always nice to read the happy little messages that you guy's leave for me.

    How cute is that bunting I really want to give it a go but it's the binding that keep's putting me off. I love your napkin cards and would be very interested to learn how you do it.
    Speak to you again soon

  5. You have done so well it looks gorgeous!
    I’m going to have to have a go at making some bunting!
    Yes Josh does, I will send you an email to explain why; and no I don’t think you are nosy.
    I will send your parcel tomorrow or Saturday, it depends on what time I finish work tomorrow, hopefully you should have it the beginning of the next week.

    Love Lou xxxxxx

  6. Hi there...just found you. The Mary Poppins jumped out at me of my all time faves. Love your are a crafty one like me! Love the bunting. cherry

  7. Me again, I forgot to say what you made for your swap was beautiful!
    Have a lovely day love Lou xxx

  8. Yes! Mary thanks for the bunting tip, I shall go and have a look at mels blog. I bought some binding this week to make some, so thats spot on!!

    Clare x

  9. What a gorgeous post, and your bunting puts mine to shame!!! Your stitches look pretty neat to me, better than my dodgy hand stitching with cotton that doesn't match (ran out of pink last week!). Miss Poppins is right, her mummy is very clever. I must try the smaller gaps between flags too now that I've seen yours :)

    Those goodies you sent are just lovely, the cushion in particular is divine.

    Mel xxx

  10. Hello the swap and the bunting your aclever Misy!

  11. Oh and hand made bias? Eek! Definitely clever!

    M xxx

  12. Great bunting! Well done you.
    Did you get the bias binder to work?

    Your swap items are so lovely. Bless you.

  13. wow you have been busy !!! the bunting is on my list to give it a go but i really struggle with stuff like that :-( maybe i can do you some crochet and you can do me some bunting!!! now thats a good idea LOL lovely swap things too you are so good at these things!!! you would find crochet a breeze in my opinion!!! catch up soon - let me know about half term and the daughters ??
    Lesley x

  14. What pretty bunting. I saw Mels tutorial and it really helped me too. Now I'm itching to have a go at some. Your little ones bedroom is so pretty, and the bunting looks right at home. xxx

  15. Hello again Mary.
    I used Picasa to make the collage, its a free download thingy.
    I have it as my wallpaper at the moment, its quite inspiring to look at while waiting for the computer to wake up!!


  16. i bought some bunting from lilly cottage here in my home town (her link is on my blog) and the new mummy i gave it to reall really loved it. i will try and have a go myslef one day thatnks for the link.
    i think i will go back to your giveaway post and tell you about my fav part of my house.
    %*_*% rosey

  17. Beautiful bunting and Miss Poppins bedroom looks lovely too. Lovely swap that you sent to Lace she's so lucky.
    Yvonne x

  18. You did a great job with the bunting, it looks lovely. The goodies you sent are fab!! x

  19. Spit spot --- ummmm you should know this one. Mary Poppins (!) says it to the children when she wants them to hurry up. Difficult to describe I like using it as a way of saying everything is ticking along ok!

    Have a really good weekend. The bunting looks fabulous by the way. I love your children's little beds.

    Love Emma xxxxx

  20. I love the bunting as you know, and the swap is wonderful. You always put so much effort into your swaps they are so special :) I clicked to enlarge the wonkyness and it looks fine to me! My sewing machine work is far wonkier! x

  21. Nothing wrong with my finger apart from being covered in dust from behind the computer desk.

  22. Oh Mary,

    that bunting is so pretty :-) i might have to have a go hehe!!!

    Hope your ok speak soon

    Kelly xxxxx

  23. Hi Mary
    Just found your lovely blog via Jemm in the Hills and it's lovely bunting! Thanks for the link, I've got some CK fabric I know what to do with them! Have a good weekend.
    Love Sal x

  24. Hi Honey

    I've tagged you!

    Your bunting is fab, I bet Miss Poppins loves it.
    Big hugs xxx

  25. Mary you are so sweet! I questioned whether to put it up, but thought I'd move it down a bit so its not the first thing you see (otherwise I'd get sick of seeing it!) Isn't it about time we saw you on your beautiful blog? :) X

  26. Thankyou, it was a first attempt so I am happy with it. I know Sal is so kind and those pieces are so pretty. I think I may do the crazy patchwork thing for them. Meant to ask you, did you just use a plain piece of fabric for the back of Lacey's cushion? XX

  27. Mary
    Do enjoy your CK book...there are some new prints for our little chaps....vintage planes print anyone he he!!!
    I can honestly say I am ecstatic this evening drooling over the catalogue.
    I just wish I had a shop nearby - so I could handle the yummies before hand (so I don't make a mistake like the mini cowboys print bear - what a load of crap!!) John Lewis and HOF in Norwich has the odd thing but its not the same!!!
    Anyway - enough waffle from me - nighty night xxx

  28. Such a lovely blog! Thank you for your kind comments. I'm going to have to make a bunting too one of these days. I think we call them banners or pennants here though. I'm not sure :)

  29. Mary Poppins I like your blog very much. I also was very taken by the parcel you went to Lace hearts. Most lovely. I love hand made things above all other gifts. I am a new visitor. TTFN

  30. You are such a sweet heart with your comments!
    Josh did laugh at your remark about you do exist, his reply too that was if Mary poppins is real you will be telling me that Father Christmas is real next, not sure if he believes you, but he did like your comment.
    We have got a Cocker spaniel, we have always had them they are a lovely breed, maybe you could have a dog one day they are lovely too have,they are always pleased to see you! Love Lou xxx

  31. Love your bunting, it looks lovely hanging there on the bed which is soooo cute too! Its my first visit to your blog and i just wanted to tell you i love it.
    Sarah x

  32. I know i left a message on here, did someone eat it!

    Lovely bunting honey, and i love those highly professional tools, must get myself some of those long sharp fingys that you cut fabric with, co's it will save me

    Happy sewing honey. Mwah X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X

  33. Fabulous bunting, I do really want to try and make some myself!!

    More fabulous swap packages.

    Victoria xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X