Tuesday 27 April 2010

Keeping It Real....

I am really enjoying joining in at The Gallery and having super fun looking at everybody's photographs along the way, this weeks prompt was Portraiture. It could be of ones self, one's children, parents,  friends, a partner, whoever. Simply a portrait.

I could have gone for the arty farty black and white portraiture, which actually I love so much, but sometimes it is the ad hoc, the here and now, no set up, no flashing lights and blowing wind through the hair kind of photographs that float my boat. Some of the best photography for me is when it is almost unintentional, spontaneous.

If you have read my post here you would know that we had a difficult journey with my pregnancy and dramatic premature birth of Master P. He was born 11 weeks early weighing 3 lbs 1 oz and was in special care for 44 long days before he happily came home with us. I went into hospital everyday during those 44 days to see him. I had had a section so was sore. I pumped away at home on my b**bies to give him my special milk, I so wanted him there next to me in a little crib to help me get as much milk as I could for him,  all I had was a photograph to look at. I am so proud that my son had only my milk whilst he was in special care, even if it was through a tube for most of that time. I understand too, there are many reasons why women can't/don't want to give their own milk, and we are all within our rights to choose what we want to do. For me, I love to BF :0)

So it brings me on to my portrait, I was forever taking photographs of him in special care, I was often upset, wondering whether he would be alright and come home with us. He was always being poked, prodded, weighed, having bloods taken, it was quite stressful I can tell you. Through the stress, the tears, the what ifs, the pumping, here is my little man keeping it real and showing us what he thought of all the malarkey. This photograph NEVER fails to make me smile. Hope it makes you smile too.



  1. Love it - feel the same way meself today - lol!

  2. That did make me smile. You tell em little man!
    Kandi x

  3. What a lovely pic to have. Good choice! x

  4. Wonderful. Well done Master P xx

  5. Love that photo, I think I would have done a similar gesture if people had proded and poked me :-)

  6. Bless, so cute, that really did make me smile.

  7. What a strong little man!
    Love the picture.

  8. Bless him!! You can get away with it at that age!!! Lovely pic : )

    Sharon xx

  9. I was so busy looking at his lovely little face that I did not see his hand.There is something about a new baby I just love them. I have a son James who is now 17 we where told that we could not have any children but after 7 long years he come along. It feels like only yesterday he was little and in my arms being BF something I loved.

  10. What a cutie, hilarious photo. So glad he has grown up into such a happy boy.

  11. ah, bless him. Guess he was sick of having to pose for you.

  12. Way to go little one! Obviously got sick of the prodding and poking, as you do. Lovely photo...

  13. That photo says it all really doesn't it ;)

  14. funny little man he certainly knows how to make his feelings clear


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