Monday 26 April 2010

Is Size Only A Number....

Hello all, thank you so much for the lovely and inspiring words about my precious and sweet Miss.Poppins I like to think all the world is a rosy place with little fluffy chicks, pink roses, floral floaty dresses, and puppy dog tails ;0) Unfortunately life isn't always like that for me and sometimes we have family bust ups and we shout, we cry, we make up. Hey tis life. I can happily say the daughter and I are back to being bestest friends :0)

I have been pondering again ;0)

I can ponder about all sorts, and as I confess in my about me profile am a deep thinking lady. What I have been pondering about is my post here It got me thinking afterwards that maybe now I have given away as it were, my size, shall I be judged. Do you  think of me any differently now you know I am a size 8. Was it wrong of me to share, would it have made no odds if I confessed I was a size 20. Does size matter, if you are a high powered employer and interviewed, and liked, 2 candidates for the same job, both exceptionally talented individuals, both healthy, happy. But one was a size 20 and one a size 8, would their differing sizes matter to you, would it effect who you rang to offer the job.
I know many bloggers like to be anonymous and I have to say when I read blogs I do have an image in my mind of what I think that person looks like, I wonder how close I would actually be.
I kind of feel that maybe people may think pah she's a size 8, lucky her, and that I must be this happy young lady who can get into her skinnies.
Am a happy size 8, actually no I am not. I say this in defence of us size 8s who actually would like to be a little bigger, especially upstairs, as I only wear bra's for special occasion's. Nothing in my opinion looks voluptuous on me and I don't like to see my body in the mirror. I guess what I am trying to say is, it shouldn't matter as long as one is healthy, if one is a 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22. Though we all have feelings and thoughts about how we feel about our bodies, and being a number 8 for me does not necessarily = happiness. I am healthy, I have a metabolism like you wouldn't believe, yes I can eat what I want, yes I can get into my skinnies, but do I like my body, no I dont.

Please don't judge my size 8, sometimes we fall out though I have to embrace her, love her and be friends with her, and more importantly learn to accept her.

This house refurbishment I keep on droning on about is taking yonks, and is getting everyone down a little so we have some plasterers coming back in. I of course wanted the money spent going to CyberMummy where I could jig on down with my new mummy pals, hey ho plastering it seems is the priority, boooo gorgeous husband of mine.( Maybe if he sees the gorgeous he shall shall pop some pocket money in my purse ;0)

My crafting business, I can call it that now beacuase I have a P.A., alright he is only 3, but I have employed him, and he is doing really well. He picks up all the little threads, ribbons, buttons that I am forever dropping on the floor whilst I craft, he helps me make up my little tags, wraps pretties, and trundles off with me to the post office carrying my parcels for customers. I think he is very happy with his chocolate button wages too ;0) Well my business brings me in a little wage now, but I am a gal who loves to shop so all my wages go on pretties, not plastering he he.

Hers is a little of what I have been making for customers and what he has been helping me with.

For a very lovely bloggers little man.


Showcasing my new Polka Dots And Posies labels, and wait for it, no more pink ;0)

Pretty hearts for a customer who wanted them displayed around her pretty home, delicately scented with lavender.

My little Parisian lavender pillows seem to be flying out, I listed them on Folksy and have had one or two of my Facebook friends want one, they are sweet and remind me of my special honeymoon in Paris :0)

I have also been asked to make some cutesy baby vests with some special personalisation on them, so I am very much looking forward to that. I do think my love of making pretties for children comes possibly form loosing Joshua it is kind of like I am giving something back, if that makes any sense, and by making something lovely for babies and little ones always makes me smile and think of Joshua.

Hope you are all having a lovely Monday, roll on Friday I say, I am not a Monday kind of gal I am afraid to say, always get those Monday blues....

By the way if there is anyone left who hasn't voted in the The Mads 2010  think today is the last day to vote. Well, apparently there was one of you who thought my ickle olde blog was worthy of a nomination and for that I dearly salute you, if any of you think somewhere along the way I have inspired you, please feel free to give me a second vote ;0)  

Take Care ya'll



  1. Oooh, Mary - you mention size - scary!!!!!!!
    When I read you were a size 8 I thought "Oh bum she's an 8" LOL
    I was always a perfect 10 with enough "upstairs" as you so nicely put it to be quite chuffed with my little self!
    But when I lost the two babes I just never lost my pregancy weight :( And there were no live births after these so no darling babe to breast feed myself thin.

    Oh and then I comfort ate like mad - lol! - Forgot to tell you that bit!

    But now I am losing weight - yay!!!!! I am now 15lbs lighter but still a long way to go - am aiming to be a size 14.

    And in the who would you employ - if they were both good at the job bit then size wouldn't be an issue - I'd choose the cheeriest cos as you say Monday mornings can be grim and there's nothing better than a cheery work colleague :)
    Love your makes - you are one clever, thin lady - oh bum!!!

  2. Unfortunatly size isnt only a number and I am finding it hard to deal with at the moment, espeicallt as my tummy keeps swelling and people keep asking me if I am pregnant (sad face me)

  3. i must admit i didnt think anything when i read you were a size 8..i think i must be quite an odd women as i dont tend to worry about sizes or other peoples expectations etc.
    anyway good luck with the plastering,i hope you havent got ancient walls like mine as the mess that was created actually made me weep a little...the rooms starting to look great now however..although builder phil has neglected to turn up today which to be frank has urked me somewhat!i bet he doesnt "forget" to turn up once paytime is here-damn builders =)
    anyway hope your ok,and im looking forward to seeing more of your makes!!

  4. Size is a funny thing, isn't it. The only time I have ever been a size 8 is during the 8-9 months after I gave birth (both times), when I went down a dress size and up a chest size....ah...happy days... sigh.
    I will avoid the question about who I would employ, as I really don't know!
    Love all your crafty stuff - you are so talented. I am in awe of anyone that can make beautiful things with a needle and thread.

  5. I have to say a few years ago I went down to a size 8 and wasn't happy. Not for the same reasons as you Mary, can you believe I thought I was fat. Yes I'd become some what obsessed with my weight but was fortunate enough to have some wonderful friends to kick me into touch otherwise I think I may of been at risk of becoming ill.
    You know my now size and I am trying very hard to accept that this may now be my size as no matter what I do I can't shift the weight.
    I'm happy, healthy, have 3 gorgeous children and a wonderful man who loves me, does weight matter? It really shouldn't but I guess sometimes it does.
    Upon meeting Rich, I gained a little weight before falling pregnant with little man (too much good living ;) ) this was my happy comfortable weight, 12/14.
    Anyway, I still love you even if you are skinny and able to eat whatever you want ;)
    Nearly forgot, Rich read boobie comment and I think got somewhat a little excited not really knowing what it was about lol.

    B xxx

  6. Mary
    I already knew you were a teeny weeny and yes I hate you for it HEHEHEEHE!!!!
    I wish size didn't matter to me but I have major issues :( I was a size 8 after I had the big2 boys..when I met A. Like B I wasn't well on it - I am 5ft 7 and I know now I looked ill.
    I have crept up - to a 16 after having R (a myth that breastfeeding gets you thin...I fed a 10lb greedy fat boy the last time and all it did was make me crave cake!!!)I'm back down to a 14 and I am very unhappy with it, and the fact the decent chest I had has been depleted by months and months and months of breastfeeding!!!
    A and I had some old pics out at the weekend and there is one of me on a girls hol in majorca in 2002...I spent that entire holiday as the only mother amongst our group thinking I was massive next to my pals and on the pics, I am this tiny thing next to the other 3 normal sized girls....see what I mean about issues!!!
    Hey ho..we are never happy, but as I try and tell myself daily, it doesn't matter what shape I am - I have a wonderful husband who loves me wobbly bits and all ;)

    But size is irrelevant really...I am getting better by realising the clothes I WANT to wear don't suit my bodyshape, so I need to be selective....
    I have friends bigger dress sizes than me but they know how to wear clothes, and look amazing.....
    However I am still dieting and hope to be a 12 again by the summer!!!
    ooh mahoosive comment - sorry - are you still awake :D

  7. Size, what an issue. I agree it is so much more about being healthy and happy with the size you are. I am still trying to shift some weight after the birth of my fourth, and several abdominal surgeries. I fear that my belly is just never going to be the same again. It's just not going away, but I am trying to accept that and move on with just being happy that I am healthy. Beautiful things once again, you are so very talented.

  8. size only matters if you aren't happy in your own skin. I don't think too much about how big or small my friends are and I only worry about my own size if my clothes get too tight - I buy either 10 or 12 but sometimes 14 as I find different shops I come out different sizes. Having said that, I think at 51 this is the last year I will be wearing a bikini on holiday!

  9. I don't judge peolpe by size and think it is wrong to do so. People come in all shapes and sizes. I haven't been a size 8 since I was about 10 years old! I'm 5'7" and was a size 12 in my early 20's and used to complain all the time about not having boobs. Now I'm 30 and a size 18 and have boobs I complain about every thing else that wobbles with them! ;) There's just no pleasing me at times!


  10. I don't judge others on size (Like I didn't think anything when you said you were size 8, plus I know what you look like anyway!)
    But I do judge myself :)
    I hate being big (I'm 18-16) I'm much happier smaller just really prone to putting on weight (think you must have my share of metabolism!!)
    I do know though that just as I am unhappy and find it hard to buy clothes that I like my friend Kelly (a tiny size 6!) Can't find clothes to fit her :)

  11. Revealing bits of information about yourself on your blog can be scary! I can relate to your feelings about being judged. I was a size 8 no matter what I ate until I hit my thirties and then my metabolism changed, and so did my shape. I got a whole load of curves I didn't know what to do with and went from being a sporty shape to a shape that left me feeling very exposed. I think we can be hardest on ourselves. I know I didn't judge you when you revealed your size. I just thought, "Talented and petite, she sounds fab!" Emma xxx

  12. Hey Mary,

    Well the size issue I think really differs from person to person. I dont like being as big as I am, I used to be quite a curvy size 10 up until my early to mid twenties then wham! all the I can eat what I want and it wont matter suddenly did matter.

    I sometimes feel that maybe I am judged by my weight by certain others. How I feel about slimmer sisters as it were well i think it depends on the person. Some women do wear their small size as a badge of honour. But then again most people are pretty laid back about it. That is one of the things I like about blogging, you get a different impression of people without the visual judgement, that can sometimes maybe hinder our real lives.

    Loving all the pretties you have been making!

    MBB x

  13. to be honest, it I could be any size it would be 10-12 (vearing towards 12), but I am currently a size 12-14. Not too fussed though. I wear dresses every day, walk for miles and eat what I want. I'm probably more comfortable in my skin than a lot of much thinner people. I don't believe in calorie counting and don't regret anything I do. I actually feel sorry for people who feel they have to diet. to me food is a real pleasure in this life. It doesn't really matter what size you are as long as you are happy.

  14. Well Hun,

    I am a size 8 also!

    IN FACT...

    I am TWO size 8's...and some!

    I have lost 5 stone to be this size. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx

  15. Gorgeous things you have made there! Re size, I hope people only judge people on personality but I suppose that image does count - not sure if size does.

  16. I started writing a reply and I swear it was turning into a post! lol

    So I will just say that when I was a younger naieve person I would have judged a book by its cover and hired the size 8 over the size 20... now I have reached the grand old age of 38 I have started listening to people rather than judging them and I would like to think that I would hire the person whom was best suited to the position and had the most open and honest personality after all you are adding a person to your team and this person has to be able to work with the rest of your team...

    Everyone craves what they are not or what they cannot have... if you can learn to accept.. you have so much more energy for the important fun stuff in life... My father in law stresses over dandelions in his garden... I say pick the flower heads and make
    take the best from your situation and discard the negative... I would love to be able to not wear a bra...(uncomfortable things! lol)

    and I love your creations... I think I will try to have a afternoon finishing off crafty things today... this is my first day at home for the past 2 weeks! what bliss!

    x Alex

  17. By the way if you'd care to judge me I am a size 24/26 in trousers and I recently bought a cardigan from Matalan and it was a size 30... I am 5' 10" tall and I despair at the styles of clothes that the fashion industry believe "larger sizes" wish to wear... ;D
    I saw a size 30 sweatshirt one time with "motiv8" written all over the front... are they trying to be funny or what! ;D

    take care
    big hugs Alex

  18. I don't think that anyone is ever really happy with their size!! It's just human!!! I had a friend who wanted to be bigger, she got there and hated it!!!
    You have made some beautiful things, love the kids tees!!

  19. Hi Mary I went down from a 10 to a size 8 a few years ago and boy I was so un comfy not with the size but with the lack of padding on my bones and also found it harder to find clothes to fit my small size.
    I don't care what size a person is and it shouldn't matter to other people you should not be judged by what you look like its the person inside that counts that's the great thing about internet friendships where people are not influenced by appearances .

  20. Morning! Pop on over to my blog as I have an award waiting for you! Have a wonderful day! xxx


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