Tuesday 7 June 2011

It's Like A Game Of Hide And Seek....

Venturing into dusty, second hand stores may not be everyone's cup of tea. I have to say I was awakened to them when I was a teenager and I had a friend at school who wore THE coolest suede jacket, and when I asked her where she got it from, she replied, "some second hand shop on the high street" and since then I have been pretty much hooked. My children like them, they are not daft and appreciate they get more for their two pounds in a shop like this, and they also know their money spent, shall indeed be going on to help others. Mr. Poppins is ( slowly ) growing to see the appeal. So I hopefully have won all my family over.

One of my favourites is an RSPCA one, nothing is priced up. You just take what you like the look of and go over to the dear ladies at the counter and ask " How much " It is the same store I found my lovely £1 jar of beautiful vintage buttons and is a real treasure trove of a shop. You do have to look, here there and everywhere, a little like the hide and seek game my little poppins love to play.

Here, take a peek along with me, lets see what we can find....( feel free to click on photographs to have a good nose enlarge, I know I have seen one or two pretties I hadn't at the time and so wish I had ;0)

Hmmmm, think we need a closer look....

Very pretty.....anything hiding in all those trays....

Very nice. Lovely pretties on the shelves....

These green stemmed glasses took my eye....( wish I had bought them )

And as for the clothes....

If you draw back some hangers you may find a nice designer leather jacket....

And there are lots of lovely books to choose from....

Anything in the curtain room....

Look a little harder....and we may find a gorgeous pair of pink velvet curtains ( I wish I had bought these too )

Vintage shoes galore, take your pick....

Pretty glassware....

And within the bags I saw a very Louis Vuitton esque briefcase....

Do any of you remember all the hype on these magazines, not many people could find copies....Wellllll....

I paid £1.50 for 20 issues....( think there are maybe 120 altogether but was happy with my purchase )

So I only ventured out with my Crochet magazines and a lovely old fashioned wooden tennis racket for Miss. Poppins as she has a tennis tournament coming up.She shall probably be handed some posh metal racket to use by her coach, but I think this is a lovely one to practise with.

Though I really do love browsing as much as the buying. I think is part of the chase, the looking here and there for, well, you really don't know what until you spy it. So, if you are one of those people who wouldn't dream of going into one of these types of store, next time you see one, don't wander past, wander in. You never know what you may find....Probably like me, perhaps something you never knew you wanted until you saw it, and then you realise you HAVE to have it ;0)   

And as for these two treasures....




  1. OH MY!!! That looks like the largest jam packed second hand store I have ever seen. They are not like that where I am. When I go in, there isn't that much stock, and it is all hugely over priced. I have second hand store envy, I do, I really do, you lucky, lucky thing ;)

  2. Lovely, Mary! I love second hand shopping in France, but British chairty shopping has a really special place in my heart. Thanks for the tour!

  3. Wow looks an amazing shop!! I have started to visit some charity shops but I must admit I never really know what I'm looking for. Practice makes perfect though eh?

  4. I wish the RSPCA shop in my town was a crammed full of goodies, its also one of the overpriced CS in my town - I need your CS ladies to come and teach our how to do things! Scarlett x

  5. I wish the RSPCA shop in my town was a crammed full of goodies, its also one of the overpriced CS in my town - I need your CS ladies to come and teach our how to do things! Scarlett x

  6. Now this is the sort of charity shop I like! not the ones that are trying to be some fancy department store!

    Victoria xx

  7. We need to keep places like that secret ;) More bargains for the rest of us ;)

    I love a good CS trawl - not often I leave empty handed!!

  8. What a huge shop, am jealous now !
    Sue x

  9. I love the IDEA of shopping in charity shops but rarely find anything I want except for the occasional book. I need to bring along some charity shop pros to help me see past everything to find the hidden gems!! Cx

  10. Now that's what I call a charity shop - not these overpriced 'boutiques' that keep springing up. Some lovely looking things there Mary and well done for educating the little Poppins in the ways of bargain shopping x

  11. Your charity shop is so much bigger and better and fuller than the one near me! Aren't they great, always full of brill things :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  12. Aww that looks like a proper charity shop with amazing finds to be had, not full of high street tat! Don't tell anyone where it is keep it all for yourself ~ I would :0)
    Kandi x

  13. A wonderful store of delights, what fun!

  14. okay, Ive made a list! lol! Fab post xx

  15. Oh how wonderful ~ shelves so full of loveliness to peek through! Thank you so much for taking us along with you ~ felt like we were really there! And what dear sweet ladies ~ Just lovely! Love Brenda

  16. Wow would love a stroll around there. Wondeful places charity shops!

  17. Aw what sweet ladies! Looks like a great place for a mooch Mary. I have to apologize, I am very behind with my reading.Thankyou once again for my bag, I really love it and think it goes wonderfully with my coral spotty raincoat, it's just me! Love Linda x


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