As those who know me understand I am very much a people person, and so really enjoy attending blogging, brand, and press launch events that I get invited to. If I think it is an event I shall enjoy and learn from, and also something that you may find interesting hearing about, I am more than happy to accept those invitations.
When one landed in my inbox from
LEGO Friends I have to say the fact it was being held
here and there would be a lovely indulgent breakfast served, it did get a very quick " Thank you for the invitation and I would be delighted to attend" response. This event was of interest to me especially, as there has been so much coverage of the new LEGO Friends, and some of it not favourable. Thinking the range stereotypes genders, too girly, even perhaps stifling of girls ambitious career plans for the future. I was also quite shocked to hear there maybe even plans for petitions to get the range off the shelves....

I am perhaps what one would call a girly girl, pink is one of my favourite colours and so a range like this shall always get the thumbs up from me. I also have a daughter, a 10 year old daughter as it happens and who loves playing with LEGO, what ever the colour. When we were in a toy shop over Christmas, she had some money to spend and straight away went over to the shelves of LEGO Friends where it had only just been launched and bought a set for herself. She liked the look of it, I was happy with her to buy it and she loves it. We don't own a wii, an xbox, or DSi and am very much encouraging of my children to still play with *toys* as such. Ten year old Miss. Poppins has the most incredible imagination, has won awards for her story telling, is bright, and very ahead of her years. As her parent I want my daughter to decide for herself what she may like to play with, how SHE feels she should be as a young person growing up, and not how others think she should be. She was excited about me going along to hear more about the new friends range.
When I arrived here....
And was greeted by these....
I made my way down to where the event was being held. It was a lovely intimate get together, very personable, relaxed, friendly and I had great fun playing with the LEGO.

The range was developed after four, yes four years of extensive LEGO research of finding out what girls want, and this it seems is what is wanted. It is certainly what MY daughter wants and am guessing on reading the many, many positive threads on this range is what other girls want to. It may not be what you want, or indeed what your daughter wants, but I can't help but feel I would be doing my intelligent daughter a disservice by saying she SHOULD not be playing with such things. If she wants to dream of being a hairdresser, a pop star, a baker, a candle stick maker, an astronaut, a scientist, a prime minister, or indeed any career, I want to let her. My 5 yr old son loves playing with his LEGO, he also enjoys doing role play and has fun with the friends sets, and I am more than happy to let him do so. In my opinion LEGO is just trying to meet the demands and interests of many young girls and as for limiting her imagination, well have a little look at what
Mark Stafford came up with using some LEGO friends...

LOVE the lipstick claws ;)
I can often be the person that sits on the fence regarding the (so many) debates online you see, though on this one, have stepped off just a little and want to let you know I love it, my daughter loves it, we shall keep buying it and look forward to the second wave which shall be released later this year around August. In fact I had to nip into Harrod's ( as you do ) on my way home to pick a little something up for my daughter, and guess what she wanted....
When I got home, she greeted me with a lovely hug and couldn't wait to have a little play with her new set. She loves intermixing some of the LEGO CITY with it too, and don't they say variety is the spice of life....
If playing with some pink themed lego brings a smile to my precious daughter's face, then I am all for it....