Sunday, 20 May 2012

Handmade Heart Swap

After nearly four years of writing this home/family/craft/all sorts blog I thought it was high time I hosted my very first handmade swap. I myself have taken part in many swaps in the past ( it has been way too long ) and if you have never taken part in one before, you should perhaps consider this being your first one. I have been moved so much with some of the most thoughtful things that have been sent my way and I myself love to send things made with a whole heap of love.

So this is how it works....   
The theme for this swap is all things HEART related, be it colour, shape, love, I think you get the idea. A heart theme is one very close to my own heart as some of you may already know Master Poppins had a cardiac ballooning at only 3 months old and weighing less than a newborn due to his prematurity. I shall be forever grateful to his cardiologist and his team at Alder Hey who performed the procedure. Like many of you, perhaps you have a fondness for hearts around the home and I think you can never have enough ;) A total of five items should be included in your parcel and postage costs should ideally be kept as low as can be, the best things come in small packages lets remember ;) Sign up shall close in one weeks time, the 27th of May and then anyone who has signed to take part I shall pair up. Over the next day or so after sign up closes I shall publish a blog post letting you all know who your swap partners are ( it may be a good idea to keep your eyes peeled around then ) and I shall include blog links so you can get in touch and learn a little more about each other. If you don't have a blog you can still join in and I shall include your twitter/facebook page link if you have one when it comes to the pairing up post. I would like everyone to be able to take part, so international readers are welcome to get involved too, though please confirm when signing up by commenting on this post if you are happy to post internationally or UK only. Obviously this makes things easier when pairing you up. I think a month is a fair time to get those crafty hands working so swaps should be sent out on or before the 27th June to your swap partner. Although this is called a handmade, so sewn, knitted, painted, crafted, crocheted you name it swap, you of course may pop in a thrifted ( not expensive) heart related item or two if you wish in your parcel as part of the 5 items and chocolate MAY be an added extra ;) You could chat about this with your partner when I have paired you up. 

IMPORTANT: There is NO skill level required in this swap, and it is not a competition or about who made this that or the other better than anyone else. This is about sending the love, and all skill levels may apply within, believe me, even with my wonky sewing lines at times the love is well and truly there. Receiving a handmade gift is just the loveliest thing ever and hopefully if you join in this swap you shall see what I mean. If for any reason you are unable to send your swap partner their swap please let me know asap and then I can perhaps pair them up again. I hope that explains it all and of course it would be lovely if you do sign up to share your love by posting this little badge on your blog sidebar with a link to this swap for others to see if they want to join in too. I thought this one I made up was rather pretty for your blogs.

I shall be back with a post about who is paired up with who, and so I don't look a total billy no mates and no one wants to join in, luckily myself and Clare who I got chatting with on Instagram about doing a little swap are already signed up. So, at least two of us shall get a pretty parcel through the post ;) Don't forget to take photographs too when your parcel arrives and I have also set up a little Flickr Group in the hope ( fingers crossed) that many join in to share their heart photographs. All I ask is that you put in as much love in your swap as you would like to receive yourself and everyone involved shall have the bestest time ever :)



  1. Oooh, how exciting!

    Please, please, please can I be signed up? Thank you.

    Fabulous blog, btw, am off to tell all my friends :o) xx

  2. Count me in, love hearts and all things crafty and pretty :) x

    1. Thanks you Mrs S, and thanks for joining the flickr group too! x

  3. I'd love to join in. Would prefer to post to UK if poss.

    1. Thanks Jenny, look forward to pairing you up :) x

  4. Happy days, please count me in! I'm happy to post to wherever. Look forward to hearing who my 'lucky' partner is, and will retweet and blog v soon, can't wait! Sarah -

    1. Thanks so much Sarah, I cant wait to see everyone's swaps! Very excited indeedy :) x

  5. Me too :) I'll email my details :)

    1. Look forward to the wood ;)) Thank you lovely, so excited you have signed up xx

  6. Hi! I'd love to join in but a bit scared of how rubbish my skills would be compared to other people's! I don't have loads of skills! I know you said it's about receiving something lovely and taking the time (and I love that you said that) but I'm not sure the recipient of my time-consuminginly made but dubious collection of handmade items might view it in the same way if they've crafted me something beautiful!?!! I don't really do sewing though I do some other crafts! (though totally willing to give it a go with maximum effort, if I can get my friend to teach me her sewing machine skills again!!!) Would customising count?!
    Anyway, you can find me at my link above, is that ok for contact?!

    1. Kezzie, I love you for feeling like this :) I did/do always feel like this a little in swaps but honestly anything from the heart goes to the heart and I am pretty confident all involved in this shall feel the same, anyway I have popped your name down now :)) Customise, cut, draw, sew, knit, we even have wood coming!! S'all about the love x

  7. I would love to sign up. UK only please
    Jille x

    1. Thank you so much for getting involved Jilly, can't wait to pair you up :) x

  8. Hi,

    I would love to take part too :)

    I will post internationally or UK!!!

    My email add is

    Looking forward to getting started !! Great theme :)

    1. Thanks Polkadot-pretties :) Look forward to having you on board and pairing you up x

  9. Hi

    I would love to be included in this swap if I may?

    email address is:

    and am happy to post to UK or internationally

    1. Hi Victoria, thank you for joining in, look forward to letting you know who your swap partner is x

  10. Hi, I would love to take part in your swap and I'm happy to post to U.K. or Internationally. Thank you. Deb xxx

    1. Thanks Deb! Look forward to seeing what you make/thrift! x

  11. Would love to join in please x uk post only if thats ok.

  12. I love a swap so count me in please UK only thank you x

    1. You gotta love a swap ;) Welcome aboard Tracy x

  13. Yes please, uk only please xxx

    1. Look forward to pairing you up Dottie May :) x

  14. Hi Mary, I would love to join in - its nice that it is so inclusive. Usually only people with blogs can join these swaps! I am happy to post UK or international. Like your first commenter - I am a bit nervous about my skills! E-mail is


    1. Awwww don't be nervous Sharon( although I am a little too )Shall be fun! Thanks for email and please keep your eyes out to see who your swap partner is. x

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking part, look forward to seeing who your swap partner is :) x

  16. Would love to join in lovely lady.
    I'm happy to post uk or international,
    Many thanks XX Manda XX

    1. Thanks for signing up Manda, look forward to this swap very much, hope you enjoy it :) x

  17. Would love to join the swop, looking forward to it! Vix

    1. Thanks so much, I am looking forward to it too :) x

  18. Oh wow ... what a great idea, I've never taken part in one of these before :) Yes please, can I join too. I'm happy to post within the UK or international. My details are:
    email address:
    Eeeek I'm now off to rack my brains as to what I can concoct, thanks very much Louise x

    1. Thanks for signing up Louise, cant wait to see what you come up with :) xx

  19. Would love to take part. Am feeling V nervous about it but am going to give it a go! Would like to post in the UK only please. I follow you on twitter @joanneinwales. Cannot wait to hear from you.Jo x

  20. Can I join please? On twitter I'm @NicolaJWhite and my blog is

    1. Hi Nicola, thanks for signing up am sure you shall have lots of fun! x

  21. Yeeeeeeeeeees pleeeeeeeeeeease sign me up........

    Happy to post anywhere in the world and share the ♥♥♥ love.

    Claire :}

    1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Look forward to seeing your swap :) x

  22. I would love to do this!!! Please sign me up! Please can I have a uk only post :)

    1. Thanks for jumping on board Cupcake Mumma! x

  23. Hearts are so important. I would love to make time to join this swap.


    1. Hi Castripey, would love to have you on board, do you have a link to twitter/blog/contact etc so your swap partner can get in contact.

      Many thanks

    2. Twitter @stitchingcarol


  24. Hi, I really enjoy your blog and I'm thrilled that you're doing this swap. I've never done one before, so fingers crossed I get on alright! I'm happy to post anywhere.
    My email is:
    Thanks x

    1. Awww thanks Julie, You shall be fine and I hope you really enjoy it :) Thanks for signing up xx

  25. Oh Yes please.
    I am just doing my first swap and am addicted
    I am happy to post where ever :o)

    1. Thanks so much, they are indeed quite fun aren't they :) Happy to have you aboard x

  26. Yes please count me in

    Could I not be paired up with Proby though as I see her everyday ;p

    Looking forward to it, UK only please x

    1. Ha ha Sarah ;)) Of course so lovely to have you involved too, really looking forward to seeing everyone's swaps :) x

  27. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I be involved? I am quite new to blogging and have been desperate to get involved in something like this. I also wrote a blog a few weeks ago related to my love of hearts!

    1. P.S. I can't find a 'follow' buttong for your blog!?

    2. Thanks Rachel, shall be lovely to have you along with us all and look forward to seeing your swap :) x

      PS I have a Join This site ( like the old follow version) at the top of my sidebar under my about me profile. Hope that helps.

  28. I love hearts! This will be my first ever swap, but I would love to give it a go. Please sign me up? UK post please.

    My blog:

    I'm looking forward to this!

    1. Ah how lovely Suzé can't wait to pair you up and seeing your swap. Thank you too for having this swap as your first ( my first at hosting one too ) hopefully shall give you a taster and you shall be doing lots more in the future :) x

    2. Thank you! I shared the link over on my blog, hope I did it right!

  29. I would like to sign up. I live in Australia but am happy to post internationally. You can reach me @

    1. Lovely to have you join us and so excited to have someone from across the waters. Can't wait to see your swap :)


  30. Can you include me please! Ive already done 3 swaps this year and I love them! xxxx UK only please :)

    1. Hi Rosa Lily- thanks for signing up, swaps are a lovely idea aren;t they! Look forward to seeing yours x

  31. I'd love to be involved please. I'm in New Zealand and happy to post internationally.
    It's winter here and the perfect excuse to get busy making plus it will be lovely to receive a parcel :-)

  32. Ooh, I hope I'm not too late? Can I join? I'm your newest follower and I'm pretty new to blogging too so this will be my first swap and I'd love to be involved. Uk only tho please, look forward to hearing from you!
    Victoria xx

  33. Hope I'm not too late to be included in this fab swap, oh the ideas I have. Count me in please. Many thanks Amanda.

  34. still time to join? I would love too

  35. Am I too late to sign up? If not, I'd love to join in. I'm in New Zealand but happy to post internationally.

  36. *squeals* - I've been partnered with the fab @sostacysews :) giddy as a giddy thing :) xxx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X