Friday 5 February 2010

Please Could I Have 37 Hours In The Day....Thank you....

Hello friends.

February is well and truly with us, and I don't know about any of you, but February seems to be my tricky month. I have one poorly boy again, his chest, so please Mr. or Mrs. Weather Person bring on some warmer days, Master Popps is so much better when we have warmer weather. January for me, there is a hint of Christmas floating about, some decorations yet to come down, presents to be taken out of their packaging and played with. Pretty snow to build snowmen and igloos with, husbands in good moods, and wives sometimes ;) Yet February, February has always been my gloomy month, June isn't brilliant either of course because it is Baby Joshua's anniversary, but February, I can't seem to beat the blues.

Hello my name is Mary Popps and I AM A PROCRASTINATER. Shouting to myself there, not you, so hopefully it sinks in with me. And I get bored easily, blah blah. But sometimes I feel so inadequate, some people can craft, blog, bake, play, shop, cook, think, sleep, relax etc and with me, can take me days, sometimes weeks to get things done. I do get the thing that less time blogging and internet surfing would mean more things get done. And I know from experience that when I shut down the computer I get more done, but tis hard for ickle olde me to press the off button on here.

I have a long list of crafty little projects yet to be done.

I am yet to pretty up the little hair slides with my favourite scraps, on the list for maybe 2 months.

Am yet to get the second layer of decoupage on the little red jug, been on the list for 4 weeks.

Getting round to making the heart garlands in time for Valentine's, maybe in time for summer more like.


Do something with these, Mmmm been on the list way longer than I could ever say.


Earmarked to be used for the cushions, been sitting on the shelf for months. One UJ neckerchief.

Master. Poppins' first baby blanket would make the cutest little cushion cover, I know it, but can I get round to doing it, uhhhh no. 

Now don't get me onto baking, takes me four days to bakes some cakes with the children.

So I really do need some time management going on, because February really makes me feel like doing nothing at all, and believe me I have mucho to do.

Of course, one thing I am not slow at, is unwrapping delightful giveaways, and it was indeed a delight to win Karen's wonderful yarn giveaway. 

Karen kindly popped in a little polka dot for the kitchen project too. I have some very kind thank you's in my next post as again, some sweet fabric has been popping through the letterbox.

Thank you Karen, what beautiful and pretty colours.

So what is a gal to do, if you are a good time manager please let me know how you do it, I am normally so good at organising others, tis myself I have the problem with. If you blog, bake, craft, write, sleep, relax, keep fit, have hobbies, coochy coo with loved ones ;) play with the children, read a story to them every night, and a million other things please tell me how you fit it all in, because I really can't.

I even resorted to cutting my own hair, as I can't seem to drag myself to the hairdresser's, or maybe it is the cost of hairdressing bills these days, who knows.

By the way that is snow in my hair, I was having fun and games with the children in the snow, as for the haircut, not too bad actually, I used the The Ponytail Method Notice how I sneaked the scarf I made in there, a little sneaky peak for you, no close ups ;)

As a thank you for taking your precious time to leave me your lovely tips and advice, I am a gathering together a little VINTAGE VALENTINE'S GIVEAWAY, keep your eyes peeled for my next little post ;0)

Right off to press the off button, or am I, can I do it, can I really....



  1. I too am a procrastinater! Out of the closet at last, and Yes, it would be so nice to have more hours in each day! suzie xxx

  2. Oh I am with you with more hours in the day. Children and the hum drum of the house take up almost every little bit of it. Time to myself? What is that? I try and juggle a little of my crafting in amongst kids, rows, mess, dinner, cleaning, and generally being a doormat! I hated January, found it completely and utterly depressing. February brings hope of nearing warmer weather and brighter days. I like you, take ages to get going. I am a terrible thinker and not a doer. I have so many ideas in my head, sometimes it is at exploding point, but not much ever gets done from my never ending list. I too wish I could be a bit more organised. I did think about writing meal planners for every week ahead so I don't do 'God, what have I got in to feed the kids tonight' almost every night. Maybe one day! xxx

  3. I am going to be a hard MadHouse today. Get doing, get baking, get making and get loving!!

    The baking kit looks fantastic, I am very envious!!

    DO you have a humidifier in his room. We have had to start using Maxi's again, as he is suffering too. Get little bowls of water all around the house. The heating makes it so much worse.

    Also try setting a timer for 15 mins and do something for that long.

    Hair wise, well I cant talk, I had mine cut before Christmas and bought the dye for it and it is still in the packet and I am going greyer by the day!!

  4. PS Don't worry about the off button - blogging cheers & motivates me so I don't worry about the off button and I know my family prefer to come home to a happy me rather than the alternative - lol!

  5. Looks like we had the same idea with the clips and fabric - wonder what yours will be like :D I am trying to find suitable glue to stick fabric to metal first!
    Jug looks brilliant, why does it need another coat?
    I am a procrastinator too, only I put off the boring things, not the crafty things hehe!

  6. Madhouse is right - when my son had bad chest Dr said to dry my wet towels on the radiators.

  7. More hours in the day would be great... but I would probably just end up procrastinating more! :)

    Squirmy x

  8. Hi there, Mary Popps, Zoe here. One of those 'lurkers'!

    Maybe all feels rubbish at the mo, but the new blog layout looks lovely. I too have probs and I don't even have kiddies to worry about. But life goes down, it comes back up and the weather will improve and little lad I'm sure will feel better soon,too. That idea of the humidifier/waterbowls sounds excellent and have heard of others that have found it helpful. As for time management, maybe have a peek at She works on the 15 minute principle too.

    We are all here for you hun and from one who does it to herself all the time, don't beat yourself up, you're fab!

    Zoe x

  9. Oh Mary, this post did make me laugh because I AM EXACTLY THE SAME! I can waste hours upon hours on the computer, after all, I have to know what's going on in blogland! AND I cut and dye my own hair too! Hooray for the ponytail method!! So I have no words of wisdom for you I'm afraid - just that housework is over-rated, perhaps?
    Rachel xx

  10. First and foremost please don't blog less - we would miss you!Don't beat yourself up. I too get disheartened by how much other bloggers achieve, but I plod on anyway. I tell my husband to put 'Helen didn't achieve much but she did try!' on my tombstone....

  11. Ah Mary,

    I think all us ladies feel the same. Hair, well I have booked in on Tuesday to have mine done, for the first time in about a year! But have been feeling really rubbish this past week and bush hair is not helping! Housework, all or nothing with me. I try and do as much as I can in the morning but I like to stop for at least an hour for coffee and blog looking at before I pick Boo Bear up.

    Crafting well, at the mo have no mojo for it as such. I have lots of sewing ideas but not the ommph to get on with it. In the evenings at the mo all I want to do is snuggle up and crochet. (Have become an addicted follower now.) And If I wasnt so much of a procrastinator and so down on myself I would be setting up that website and selling some crafty things. But keep letting all the small stuff put me off.

    But at the end of the day as long as my children are fed talked and tickled too and have time spent with them. and they go to bed safe and secure. Well I sometimes think that is the main thing of that day.

    A big hug to you and you will get what you need to get done in your own good time. ;0)


  12. I have tried with UHU glue and it does stick, but I can easily pull it off IYKWIM. I asked the lovely Kate @ Emily Pickle what she uses, and she as offered to send me the last little bit in her bottle of glue she uses so I can try it out. I was thinking yo-yos with a button in the middle. I will let you know how I get on with kates glue! xx

  13. We have four kids, we homeschool, we live in a very small house, I have a blog, and here's my secret... It doesn't all get done, ever. I have to pick and choose what happens. Kids get top priority as does their learning, A lot of times housework gets put to the bottom of the pile. I could spend hours cleaning and the four kids can undo it all in a matter of minutes, so I make sure things are clean, but tidy isn't necessarily how I would describe out house. I am trying to reduce what we have so that it is easier to maintain. I do have a meal list for the week, and shop for it, so that I have all the ingredients and only have to decide which meal gets made each day. The kids love to bake, so it becomes a big, fun activity with the children. Crafting time is limited to after the kids are in bed for me, as it's just not happening during the day time, but they go to bed at 7:00pm, so that's not too bad, though I am usually in bed at 9:00 as well. It's a good life, but not necessarily super organized. It is something I'm trying to work on though. Oh, and I cut my own hair as well, I just can't seem to bring myself to hand over $50 for something I can do for free. I'd much rather spend my money on other things. I hope February starts looking better to you.

  14. Hello Mary

    OH I too so wish I could have extra hours each day. It never seems to be enough. So many jobs to do and each seem just as important as each other. Will get in touch shortly to get your address for fabric or my email address is, it's been another busy week...

    Take care
    Isabelle x

  15. Enjoy being a mommy, read them books, sing songs, dance silly little dances, rock your children to sleep. Your children grow up so fast... don't waste precious time doing stuff that doesn't matter. Your projects can wait til they are older, or at least taking a nap.

  16. Procrastination is not the problem!! you just have too much to do!! And kiddies too!!! Don't be too hard on yourself!!!

  17. I used to have a saying (to myself) "Always put off until tomorrow what you could have done today"

    It'll all get done eventually.

    Hope your son is feeling better ... sunshine today will help.

  18. Hello Mary! much to diddly do!
    I'm a list maker....tick off as I acheive something....:>))

    1.Make a cup of tea-tick.
    2.drink while still hot-tick. some mags-tick.

    Shame the lists are not more like the above...more over no ironing done......on and on....still its Fiday I've made a good start....bed changed...two washes done....
    wonder how long the good intentions will last??
    I so want to make over my kitchen this weekend....with that nice GG fabric....and other stuff....but as you can see from my last post...its a full weekend already....:>(

    Good luck with getting some of your stuff done...happy weekend!

    Love Melxx

  19. I have alist of unfinished things too...why not share my new year mantra - no pressure!!!
    I just laughed as dh has been in the loft for me (and yvonne!!!) and found 2 bin bags full of brand spanking new cushion pads.....he wondered why?????
    I have been sat this afternoon cutting out hot water bottle covers I planned to do last year, and looking through books and blogs getting way too many new ideas.
    I too am rubbish at pressing the off button..yet I know I get tons done if I press it!!
    (right now I am cooking tea and baking a cake..whilst reading blogs!!)

  20. You are most certainly not alone Mary as you can see from all the other posts so far. I think you do marvels and are far too critical of yourself. I'm struggling a lot at the moment - just want to stay in bed...hmmm don't get a lot done that way I can tell you. However, I made myself today as I had an idea last night what to make with some of those lovely check teatowels you sent me before Christmas. Pictures on my blog.

    Hope DS gets better soon. My older son always struggled over winter and still does to some extent although not as bad now thankfully.

  21. Join the club, Mary! I just want to quote you what Ele from A Bit of Pink Heaven (uberblogger) wrote on a post of mine the other day: 'It amazes me how some people think their life is horrible, and bloggers that don't dwell on negativity must have a fairy tale life every second of the day! ' Well, I think she's kind of perfect, but in fact she has a life just like yours and mine! It's good to hear that.

  22. Glad to know there are other people like me!!! Roll on Spring, and sunny, warmer days!
    Have a great weekend : )

    Sharon XX

  23. Oh I know what you mean by Februray and the weather, but at least the days are getting longer :) In order to manage my time, I write To Do Lists for the month and then write in my diary each week the things I need to do, it is great getting them done and ticking them off :) Before I started doing this I kept putting everything off and saying Oh I'll do that tommorrow and then that became the next week which lead to never! So maybe if you try to do a small To Do list and see how you get on with it, try and balance it with work, cooking, cleaning and family/ friends time and don't forget a tiny bit of me time :)

    All things nice...
    P.S: Love the new header :)

  24. My Name is Pixiedust (well not technically).....and I am a Procrastinater.....there I said it! So MP I know exactly how you feel, if you manage to find those extra hours in the day, could you please tell me the secret. xxxx Pixie xxxx

  25. yet another procrastinator here - the amount of stuff i could get finished if i put my mind to it for an hour or so but yet i still find something else to waste my time doing!!
    it will all come out in the wash as my mother says!!
    let me know if/when ready for wallpapering if you still need me :-)

  26. Hi Mary,

    I had to have a little giggle to myelf whist reading your post, as it may as well have been written by me!

    I think that every one of us feels the same way as you at some point or another. The problem is that creative minds always have so much going on, that it seems nothing is ever done!

    Remember you will never regret not doing enough housework ;-)

    Have a lovely weekend

    Natasha X

  27. I hear you, Mary. As others have said, you're always so hard on yourself girl and you are so fab. Here is a link to a post on Simple Mom which is a great site that will help hopefully. It's to do with filling out a daily docket to get your tasks done. Have a read as it did help me. xx

  28. Ah, it seems we are all the same. I am now back in cyberland. ANd I am going to admit this but ever so quickly that I did get quite a lot done when we were without a computer.
    There I said it, but I am having a catchup today so no doubt I will be making up for time lost.
    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the kids while they are young. That's why you became a mummy wasn't it? Other things can wait.

  29. So lovely to see that I'm not the only one like this :o) I'm currently doing assignments for college, learning stencilling, lino cutting, ceramics & life drawing all in the one week whilst running my own workshops and trying to find time to make/knit/sew all the things I want to make/knit/sew in my head, on my blog, on my laptop, in my notebooks, in magazines ...... big deeeeep breath :o) Hope you're having a lovely weekend x

  30. I know what you mean about the internet, I hop on for a couple of minutes and then suddenly hours have gone by and I don't even know what happened!

    I'm hoping when I'm in my flat I'll spend less time on the internet and actually start doing all the crafts i have planned

    Victoria xx

  31. oh yes, I sooooo know that problem!! Mylist of things to knit, sew and bake is enormous....oh for just a few more hours a day!
    (also contemplating that less time blogging and more time doing might be in order hehehe!)

  32. What's wonderful about blogland is the sense we are all the same, having the same issues with life. I for one am glad you procrastinate, makes me remember it's not just me AND I get to blog about it. Look me up, you'll see!
    Ali XX


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