Tuesday 2 February 2010

Thank You's, Shopping, Challenge's And Toothbrushes....

Hello lovelies.

Well a little of a mixed bag for you today, I hope that is alright. We have coughs and colds at the Poppins household at the moment, hugs if any of you have been a little under the weather, I know it is the hugs we give each other in this house, that help us all get better. Actually, talking of hugs, are you a huggy person, I feel I am rather. I hug anything and anyone. I reckon I have to have at least 5 good strong hugs a day. When I meet someone for the first time, if it feels right, I give them a big hug and sometimes a little kiss on the cheek for good luck too :)

Right, think we should get on with the thank you's, don't you. Some very, very kind people who have sent me the most delicious fabric and beautiful cards, letters, and all manner of special treats. I probably have mentioned it, but am VERY overwhelmed by all these pretty packages that keep popping through my letterbox. Forget washing machine curtains, these are going to be full on, floor length curtains for the big french doors in the diner.

So, we have a thank you for a lovely lady, Jennifer who sent me the most delicious candy coloured fabric, along with a lovely letter. I have to say Jennifer was very kind to let me have some of her beautiful fabric, as I reckon on them being her favourites, and how lovely that her pretty stash came all the way over from Wyoming. Please, if you have a minute or two, pop over and say hi to Jennifer, who is a wonderful crafter, home maker, and a brilliant baker.

Thank you to the lovely Isobel who sent a beautiful selection of fabric. Golly ladies, I only asked for one ickle square, you are all too generous ( and norty ;0) for words. I adored the little Beatrix Potter card Isobel sent too.

What a beautiful surprise I had, when I unwrapped the most pretty Laura Ashley fabric from Kristina Tis bloomin gorgeous I have to say, and I adore the pretty card and lovely ribbon. Thank you Kristina.

Thank you so much to the lovely Sal who let me have some of her fabulous fabric stash, the floral one is so pretty and I think the Rosali especially, is Ohooo so cute.

Thank you to Clover Cottage for the wonderful fabric you sent, it bought a lovely smile to my face, so cheery and spring like I thought, and a lovely choice.

Ohooo my, Ohooo my, the prettiest fabric was sent from the lovely Deb at the SC Cafe. We are all swapping some of our stashes for various projects, and look what lovely fabric Deb sent me for my kitchen project. Pretty, very pretty. Thank you Deb. And I wonder, does Deb know I have a thing for Paris, where I honeymooned, a special card for me to display with her lovely words on it.

I was sent some lovely fabric from a good pal Lace Hearts Lace Hearts even sent me one of her wonderful strip blocks, I am really enjoying seeing and hearing about how everyone's string block projects are coming along, I know there are many of you in blogland taking part. So it was lovely to receive one for my kitchen project. The fabric heart was a wonderful surprise, and beautifully made. Thank you Lacey.


Thank you Country in the Town for some very special fabric, fabric that was used to make a special cot quilt, and I adore it and love that it has meaning for both of us now. The pretty lavender filled heart was a lovely touch too.

Some beautiful french vintage fabric was sent all the way from france from the delightful Floss 
Big thank you Floss, I love it, and how special and sweet the Traidcraft embroidered fabric card is, one for a frame I think.

Thank you to a dear friend, Annie, again at the SC Cafe for her wonderful array of fabric. My goodness, I really can't handle all this generosity, I hope you don't all think I am being fabric flashy sharing with you the lovely fabric I was sent, I think good manners to say thank you, and we all like pretty photographs don't we, especially of pretty fabric. I really do share my happiness with receiving everyone's generous offerings with each and everyone of you. Well Annie, some beauties there, thank you so much.

A very country looking pink gingham fabric was sent by the ever so humerous The Mad House What cute and pretty fabric. Mad House is ultra talented too, as look at the beautiful pearl button heart that came with the sweet fabric. Thank you Mad House.

Lovely Lydia sent me the beautiful Laura Ashley in one of my favorite designs, and look norty ( but ever so nice ) Lydia popped in some sweet smelling CK bath melts too.

Actually, Lydia is REALLY, REALLY norty, ( though REALLY REALLY nice ) and sent along with her beautiful fabric a very special treat. A beautiful CK pillowcase, now I am yet to email some of you personally to thank you for your wonderful fabric, so believe me when I get round to emailing Lydia, she shall get a ticking off ;0)

Isn't it super cute, I thought would look lovely with Miss. Poppins' CK Paris rose wallpaper. Mmmm norty Lydia, we shall be having words later ;) Thank you so much.

So, can you see why I feel like my Birthday's, Christmas's, Anniversaries, Valentine's, etc have all been rolled into one. Thank you so much, all of you, I don't think I can ever say in words how touched I am, I hope I can share with you one of my special hugs, thanks, and hope that you look forward to seeing your fabric in my kitchen.

I have been cutting up your special fabric into squares.

And keeping them safe in my special tin, my mum got me for Christmas, which had some yummy biscuits in.

I have also been gathering some of my own little stash to send out to some lovely ladies. 

And choosing some bestest scraps to send out to a fantastic crafter who would like them.


So there really is mucho faric love going on, on my kitchen table at the moment.

Now for the challenge, not in the climbing Everest, running a marathon kind of way, but the can one go to Ikea without buying anything kind of challenge. Well I thought I could, I really did. We were only going for screws, honest, and well you know what it is like.

With Valentine's coming up I couldn't resist this little number for Miss. Poppins' bed.

And of course I didn't want to feel left out, so I got me one of these beautiful ruffle throws for mine.

Of course, when the big reveal of the new and improved kitchen diner takes place, hopefully we shall be cracking open the bubbly, so popped some of these cute flutes into the yellow bag, and fabulous price I thought at I think, 69p each.

So I didn't quite leave with nothing, but I shall do it, I shall. Have you ever done the Ikea challenge.

Talking of shopping, would you like to see some more of my little buys. From the new shops I found these cute mugs, 2 pink, 2 blue, from Argos for £4.99. I think are very pretty, though a very special young lady who like all things pretty, like me, did find them cheaper elsewhere ;)

I know I am supposed to be gearing away from the florals a little, but at 49p for a pack I couldn't leave these pretty floral stickers on the shelf could I.

For coughs and colds.

And some thrifty shopping. I thought this cottage planter was so cute.

Not too bad for £2.00 I thought, and I loved the little old M&S sticker, can you remember when they looked like this. 

I found some lovely books for pence not pounds.

I thought apt when I found her on the shelf.

Favourite chapter. 

New hobbies.

I had to have some patchwork for the kitchen, I think it is a teapot cosy, though when I put my teapot in it, it sort of flops, could it have been handmade for a big teapot. What a beautiful handmade beauty, she was only one pound, though in my opinion worth more. 

What do you think, is she a teapot cosy.

Well she caught my eye, the little beauty, a very vintage looking brooch, and a lovely £1.50.

So some lovely little pretty thrifties there. 

Mmmmm have you remembered the toothbrushes in my title. Well I thought I would share with you one of my little obsessions, yes I admit it, I do occassionally get little hoardings of pretties here at home. Here is one of my favourite hoardings, and each one a very respectable 19p, and very pretty colours. You never know when you may need one.

Ohooo dear, should I have shared that, should I. Shall you think me a little strange. Better keep quiet about all the other little hoardings I have then, tucked away in little secret corners. Please tell me you have little hoardings too....




  1. You've been doing so well with fabric the kindness of bloggers is amazing isn't it.

    Victoria xx

  2. I hoard tea towels (like someone else?!), new towels, dishcloths and ribbon..... Also pick up toothbrushes when on offer or cheap - Lord knows what my children do to them, they don't last the recommended 3 months. I did wonder if they scrubbed the floor with them.....

    re fabric - its a pleasure - enjoy!
    Love Lydia xx

  3. I feel a bit bad for only sending one square now!!! You have a lovely collection coming on :)

    I'm trying to think of hoarded things, I do always seem to buy icing sugar and currently have a kilner jar full plus two of the big boxes unopened. Think I ran out once and was determind it wouldn't happen again!

    Mel xxx

  4. Oooo what a pretty post, your fabric is most lovely.
    twiggy x

  5. Such gorgeous fabrics, your kitchen is going to be seriously dreamy. I love your new little finds, and if we could find cute toothbrushes like that for such little money, I'd be stocking up too.

  6. Quite a short post this time then,Mary!!! LOL
    Bloggers are the most generous people...I'm quite overcome by the sight of all that fabric !

  7. Wow - aren't the blogland people amazing (and those at the SC too).

    Vicki xx

  8. Wow - you have done well with the fabric - can't wait to see it's progress!

  9. It is all looking so lovely! What a great idea it was...

    Thanks for your kind email and for the photo and mention etc - these posts must take you a long time with all the links etc, but it's a great way of getting to know all your friends. Thanks!

  10. what a lovely post...and such gorgeous fabric..I too have been lucky to receive some lovelies in the post...as you well know!!
    As we live 60 gazillion miles away from Ikea..I never come away empty handed..our challenge is how far we deviate off the list!!!

  11. Hi Mary :)
    I like that throughout the post I am the 'someone' linkys!! :D The scraps look lovely - and the M&D WILL be comming your way. Some lovely thrifty and not so thrifty ikea buys.
    Hows that curtain coming along??? Is it done yet?????
    P.S the mugs must be exactly the same as the packaging is identical, just mine said Primark on it. x

  12. Lovely lovely fabrics Mary. Aren't fellow bloggers so wonderfully generous. Your curtain/s (?) are going to look absolutely fabulous and will be oh so special.

    Secret hoardings.... now that would be telling! ;-)

  13. Fantastic fabrics, great post.

    Rosie P x

  14. Mucho better!
    P.S will send M&D when we do our swap soon x

  15. What a lovely enjoyable, fabricilious post, Mary ... had to smile at the toothbrushes!

  16. Thanks for the blog hits hehe!
    Don't rush to the PO for me - there is no hurry!
    (did you send them yet?)
    I have made some bits for the swap, did we say 5 max? I'll try to get it sorted next week if I can xx

  17. Gorgeous Fabrics, and fab finds.
    Hording - love the tooth brushes.
    Luv Sophie xxxx

  18. Gorgeous fabrics, your kitchen is going to look amazing.
    Yes I think that's definately a tea cosy.
    I can NOT buy anything in Ikea because I only get to go there about once every 5 years :( so I bulk buy when I do.

  19. Arn't blogging friends so very kind? I've had some lovely things sent to me by strangers who are now blogging friends. Thanks for your comments Lucey xx

  20. Very pretty fabrics. I to have a toothbrush collection, Tesco was selling them off for 5p each whats was i to do!!!

  21. Wow, what fantastic fabric and fantastic friends too xx

  22. What a lovely post - you have a beautiful selection of fabrics, and I can't wait to see your kitchen curtain. Sorry I'm a little late leaving a comment - just not enough hours in the day at the moment, so not spending so much time on the old pooter. Think your latest post is very apt for me! xxx

  23. I have one of those pretty button hearts from the Mad House too, I love mine!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X