Saturday 20 August 2011

A Year Older....

Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes, a year older and hopefully a year wiser ;)

I had a lovely greeting when I walked into the kitchen in the morning....

My husband really knows me well, hence the Keep Calm I've Kept The Receipt bag, ha ha. Also he knows I love cake, and so pretty looking was the birthday cake I didn't want to cut into it, so flowery, glittery and pink.

As for pressies, well, I NEARLY got an ipad....Mr. Poppins went on a little search for one though came away without, the thought was there though and I love him for it.

A little taster of what I got....

I had used up my most favourite Daisy perfume and all I had left was an empty bottle....

Though I always have a spare....

I had seen the new perfume in shops and just adored it's delicate, pretty scent. Well I had a lovely surprise when I unwrapped the floral Cath Kidston wrapping paper....

Of course you can't have a birthday without chocolates....

Or pretty jewellery, and I loved the sweet heart watch my lovely sister got me....

As it was I spent much of my birthday on a train with the Poppins children, Master Poppins had a photoshoot with a well known catalogue retailer, and we are back again here next week for an on location photoshoot for one of my favourite retailers. He has had quite a busy summer, here he is looking rather lovely his confidence has blossomed, and I am very proud of him. So if anyone knows of any lovely shops or things to do near the park, do let me know. Well done too to PennyBlossoms who was picked out of the hat to win the whoopie pie book, and thanks for popping yourself in the hat if you did.

Have a lovely weekend.



  1. Congratulations Mary! You got some lovely gifts. Lovely bag! Have a nice day and weekend!

  2. Ooo, wow! Thank you very much.
    I think the whole road heard me squeal out loud when I read your comment!
    Belated happy birthday wishes!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Z xx

  3. Happy Birthday to you, mmmm you got some lovely things! Enjoy the rest of your weekend xxx

  4. Belated Birthday Wishes, looks like a perfect day!

  5. Ohhhh he is adorable!

    Lovely birthday gifts too - you have a good pressie buying husband.


  6. Such an interesting birthday. But you did get some delightful things.

  7. You had some lovely birthday gifts.

    Glad Master Poppins is doing well, who knows where it will take him in the future and I bet you have loads of fun too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. X