Friday 23 March 2012

Weather For Painting Or Playing?....

A little while ago I found these lovely chairs via freecycle. I got the paint brushes out and made a start on prettying them up....

Then as the weather got colder I put the paintbrushes away. I woke up today, with the sun shining brightly and I thought today is the day I shall get those paintbrushes out again along with the little tester pots of colour I am going to use to paint the chairs....  

I like to be as thrifty as possible so happily picked these up for £1 each from Wilko's and shall be mixing with a little white to make the paint go further for each chair. I love the shabby chic look when it comes to my home décor, and once an item of furniture has been primed that I am making over, I often use emulsion rather than satin wood as a top coat, sand where appropriate, and then wax on top for an authentically worn in look. Of course there is always someone who wants to play and interrupt my painting....

So, here is where we are up to....

One primed, one apple green half finished, one raspberry pink pretty much finished, and three yet to get going on. Hmmm methinks I prefer playing rather than painting ;) Though I am on a mission and hoping to get them done by dusk. We shall see....



  1. oh my god these are THE cutest chairs ever :D it never ceases to amaze me how a lick of paint can make wooden furniture look so stunning :) I know how difficult it is to do outdoor work when you have a little four legged lovely pestering you ;) very hard to keep their fur out of the paint, or the paint out of their fur for that matter! xx

  2. Looking lovely, I am the same as you the painting part is so boring, I have been wanting painted chairs for years but I have 3 pieces of furniture still waiting so hubby says I have to do those 1st. Ugh xx

  3. Oh my gosh! I am loving what your doing with these chairs, they're going to look so lovely next to one another when finished. What a great find on freecycle!

    Ashley xxx

  4. I would have hated these chairs as they were but they are shaping up to be absolutely perfect. Cant wait to see the finished group.

  5. If you're anything like me you'll want to get them finished asap.Love the colours you've chosen,looking forward to seeing them completed. :0)

  6. What a great idea. I have a bring wooden chair which is in need of a re-vamp. I might get my paint out tomoro (weather permitting).

  7. I can't believe you found those chairs on free cycle. My hubbys subscribes to that and never finds anything. I love painting my chairs too and currently have three on the go. Looks like your ,as always will be perfectly PERFECT xxx


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