Thursday 24 November 2011

Jingle Bells....

 I think making these pretty christmas hearts for my Folksy shop is getting me all festive....

 I even took my merry self off to hunt out the christmas decorations, ( doesn't it just seem like yesterday that they were all being packed away ) and yes I know is verrrry early but one or two decorations have even gone up, like this giant polka dot christmas bell....

Having quite a traditional husband who likes the decorations to go up on Christmas Eve, I just can't wait that long, and bit by bit they go up until I have taken up almost every space in the house with either a christmas candle, bauble, fabric heart or some kind of christmas decoration ;) I do it subtly, each day just a little something here, something there, and so on.... By Christmas Eve they are all up looking all shiny and beautifully christmas like.

Is it far too early for you, or, like me, is there a sneaky little christmas decoration hiding in a corner of your home?



  1. Well yes, there is, my Christmas tree fairy stays out all year round with pride of place on my dresser, she's too pretty to hide, or and there's a robin - and, um, I just got my glitter berries out - so glad I'm not the only one that' can't wait!

  2. I have a resin wooden looking christmas runner duck that i just cant bring myself to put in the loft. It resides in the sideboard 11 month a year and I have a peek everytime I go in to get something.
    The hearts ar lovely BTW

  3. I've a few bits creeping in slowly but will probably bring it all out next weekend - can't wait to get all festive!!! Lovely hearts by the way xxx

  4. Like those bells Mary!
    Have a super weekend!


  5. No, its not too early - its December next week, after all!!

    I have packed away all my summer/autum "pretties" to clear the shelves ready for the xmas bits to go up.

    Will have a sort out this weekend, to remind me of what I have and then will be putting them up next week.

  6. Love the hearts. I am not quite as purist as your other half. I put my decs up the weekend before Christmas. Not sure what to do with my tree this year as my grandson is crawling - eek!

  7. Miss Poppins I am ♥ your hearts they are gorgeous and so I have been inspired to make one.
    Am finding it a wee bit tricky sewing it together with all the stuffing in the middle. Any tips you can share to get the job done without too much faffing about? Would be very much appreciated............

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Claire :]

  8. In my opinion it's never too early!! I would have the decs up all year round if I could. All my decs will be going up in the next few days.... after my poor husband and been sent to the loft to get them for me. hehe. Thrilled I found your blog, its certainly beautiful xx

  9. I love this type of decoration! In fact I love anything with bells on! So pretty!

  10. Oh that's very cute!

    I couldn't put them up on Christmas Eve! I celebrate Yule on 21st so it'd be pointless for me! But I like to put everything up on the 1st, however my parents aren't sold and now it's the 11th and we still have no decorations :(


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